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Hi..uh...back with another problem. I guess...

Anyway, i recently bought a G-Con2 for the PS2, along with the games Dino Stalker, and Time Crisis 2. (I actually only did it for the gun and Time Crisis, because i love that game). Now the package came in, and everything looked smooth. Games were crisp, and the gun had little to no wear.

The problem is, when the game asks me to calibrate it, i can see the pointer of the gun go ALL across the screen, like being part of a spasmic flash movie, even though i hold the gun quite steady. It reacts to all the buttons, but it doesn't hold still, making it impossible to calibrate the gun.

I cheated into getting the game started, but thesame problem arose when playing the game. I can shoot at the exact same point, but the bullets will fly around the screen.

Seeing that i didn't get a manual with the gun, and that the Namco site isn't very helpfull, i hoped that somebody here could help me out. Looking at the way the games have been treated, i can only assume that the gun wasen't broken or anything BEFORE it was send.

(I realize this might belong in the forum above, but since i'm not a noob, and this isn't a problem with my computer, i figured i'd post it here).

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