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I have some new WIPs Tell me what you all think. I know I am not all that exellent

http://www.mediafire.com/?2mjsoozvtga "Burnt Crispy Toads"

From Game and Watch

Game and Watch has got to get some love! So I am Trying again.

This one does not cut out like 8 legged Terror did

http://www.mediafire.com/?65bbrxmon0m "MM3 Snake Man's Fortress"

From Mega Man 3

I tried to make this one cool by having different parts of the song play at the same time

http://www.mediafire.com/?3oykpyoozzv "Void Of the 6th"

Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening

This one was made on a personal vendetta. I got stuck on

this dungon forever as a little kid so I made the song to mock being stuck in dungons essentially

http://www.mediafire.com/?dmmj3n9pv1k "SMB3 Water Giants World 3-4"

From Super Mario Brothers 3

Interesing that the melodies in world 3 and 4 are inversed. So I played around on it... Still needs work

http://www.mediafire.com/?ex4x2yxj8tq "Z3 Dark Triangles"

From Legend Of Zelda A link to the Past

Personally my favorite Remix I have made. I really like it. but I just want to see what you all say


Yes I also really like void of the 6th because it is simple but has a sense of humor

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