"Another blow for ninja ladyhood has been struck today. Banzai!"

Article by: Polo
Pictured from: The King of Fighters 2000
Created by: SNK
First appearance: 1992
Graced with a pair of prominent bouncing breasts for her debut in Fatal Fury 2, ninja girl Mai Shiranui is sexy and not ashamed to show it. Her signature low-cut tunic offers teasing views of her bust and backside while her body's busy kicking butt. Weapons include fans, her legs, and even her hairpin, all of which are show-off accessories in themselves. The Shiranui clan's stealthy, pyrotechnics-based attacks complement Mai's personality: focused, wild, and of course hot. But the only boy she has eyes for is Andy Bogard.
When the buff, blond hunk comes to Japan to train under Mai's grandfather, the bubbly young woman throws herself at him, dubbing him her fiancé. He and his older brother Terry Bogard, however, are training in order to settle a vendetta back in Southtown, U.S.A., so to stay focused, Andy pushes her away. Mai pouts, teases, and pursues with her affections to no avail. But when the King of Fighters tournament starts accepting challengers — the Bogard brothers among them — Mai quickly enters, set on winning Andy's heart by proving both her prowess and her unrivaled beauty. A fitting task for such an overt ninja.
Selected game appearances
Neo Geo
- Fatal Fury 2 (1992)
- The King of Fighters '96 (1996)
- The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest (1998)
- The King of Fighters 2000 (2000)
- Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 (2000)
Neo Geo Pocket Color
- SNK Gals' Fighters (2000)
Xbox 360
- The King of Fighters XIII (2011)