Posted 2002-11-14, evaluated by djpretzel

What's this, you say? A DC13 & starla/injury co-op Contra ReMix? Indeed, tis the case. Only have time to post this single mix tonight, but it's a collab between two OCR regulars and it's hard-hittin' Contra electronica to boot, so no bitchin' ^^ Now, the boss music to Contra was classic. Repetitive, and perhaps not immediately obvious as a candidate for the ReMix treatment, but classic nonetheless - a theme that should truly conjure up the good ole nostalgia of those 8-bit days of yore. I proudly admit to being a user & abuser of "the code" - couldn't get through this or Life Force for that matter without it - and a fan of Konami's 2d action games. No one seemed to get fast-paced, frenetic, 2d sidescrolling 8-bit games quite as polished as the big K, and many of their classics were first- or second-generation titles. This is some good, tight beatwork and fat, pulse-width modulated synth put together into a fairly brief but definitely enjoyable techno rendition of the ubiquitous boss tunage. There's not much liberty taken with the melody, but I don't necessarily know that there were too many places it could have been taken, intact. Instead, the appeal's in the direct approach, excellent drums, and minimalist but nice and warm synth. Fun, intense, driving, and timeless stuff from DC13 and injury. They actually put this together a year ago but just submitted it recently. As a straightforward, loyalist techno adaptation of one of the classic boss themes, I'm glad they decided to send it on in. Groovy.



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2021-05-16 10:43:04

This one holds up surprisingly well! I'm not really familiar with source tune, but I would guess it's a pretty safe arrangement. The track certainly gets repetitive, but it's also quite short, so it's not a big issue after all. And yes, these drums are super sweet. Not mind-blowing overall, but worth a listen for sure.

on 2011-12-27 11:17:39

One of the first remixes I listened to. Love the sound of this, though a bit conservative throughout the entire track. This piece really sounds like it could have been played in place of the source track; It seems to really fit that same feel. I think the heavy chiptune-ish synths help out with that a lot.

on 2011-12-06 07:59:39

Not the easiest source to remix as there isn't much to it. Arrangement-wise this would definitely be a good source to mix with something else. This mix, though, is a great update of the original. It would fit pretty darn well into the game. As a piece of music to enjoy by itself, it falls a little short. What I do like about it though is it provides and good healthy does of nostalgia.

on 2009-03-27 10:59:36

Nice percussion, but definitely old and repetitive. That drum sound is great though.

Great for getting work done though, as you don't get distracted by the melody, you just get pumped by the drums.

on 2007-10-05 15:59:17

Hehehe! Happy birthday, Starla! To celebrate, I'll poo on this mix. Well, nothing new from me. Repetitive as all get out, but yes, tre old. Thems the breaks backs in ye olden days. : Hit or miss. If you really like the source material, it'll give you a little nostalgia boost.

on 2005-05-15 02:50:58

What others call repetative, I call some of the best darn nostalgia I could ask for. :D This remix is a blessed time machine, taking me back to some of my best NES gaming days, which I'd almost forgotten. You know what they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Some people can make glorious completely reworked music with vague relations to a game track, and make it sound great. Disco Dan is a rare master of such art, but I feel most people who take that approach tend to lose the feel that made the original great. For this reason, I prefer simple true-to-the-original remixes, things you could imagine actually hearing in the game if it were rereleased. And this piece of work delivers! I have completely lost track of how long I've been banging my head to this (it's on repeat as I type), all I know is I'm loving every second of it. Thank you, DarkCecil13 and Injury, for this awesome tune!

on 2005-03-08 21:44:15

My winamp playlist was on random and this started playing, it just caught my ear and I all of a sudden started tapping my foot

It's a short but very trippy mix with an awesome bassline

on 2003-12-18 16:54:36

Just perfect, a Contra mix, this brings back memories of the past: me cursing at Contra and all the sequels and whimping out and using the master code because i couldn't beat it, arrgh the pain, and the joy of beating the living crap outta the games with the code. it's a good mix overall in my opinion, so I'd give it a oh say a.....8/10?

on 2003-02-24 20:01:17

I have to disagree with just about everyone and say that I actually like this tune. Sure the song is repetitious. Playing the game and hearing the original will let you know that's how the original was as well. It improves the orginal and is a remix from one of the best franchises in videogame history (PSX version discluded). Until someone comes along with a better Contra mix, this is where I stand. Contra AMEN Reflux ain't doing it for me.

on 2003-02-03 17:44:11
OK. Put the melody through some generic sounding synth and put a simple drum loop behind it and repeat a couple of times. This is uninspired at best. I really think this song could've been represented better. The tone of this song never changes and the bassdrum is the only thing keeping this song moving. If I would've heard this version of the song first, I would've chosen to cover it in my own band and I might've liked this mix better too. But since I heard Memblers and Dildox's first, this just doesn't cut it. I guess I was just spoiled by hearing Membler's version and it lowered my opinion of this mix. This song was just a time filler for my CDs and I'm suprised it made it here on OCR. :x

Yeah, it's short and repetitive. We could have done a much better job :( Sorry for the disappointment. Glad you enjoyed the percussion, though :D

on 2003-02-03 00:29:56

OK. Put the melody through some generic sounding synth and put a simple drum loop behind it and repeat a couple of times. This is uninspired at best. I really think this song could've been represented better. The tone of this song never changes and the bassdrum is the only thing keeping this song moving. If I would've heard this version of the song first, I wouldn't of chosen to cover it in my own band and I might've liked this mix better too. But since I heard Memblers and Dildox's first, this just doesn't cut it. I guess I was just spoiled by hearing Membler's version and it lowered my opinion of this mix. This song was just a time filler for my CDs and I'm suprised it made it here on OCR. :x

on 2002-12-29 21:42:46

Quite simply, THE BEST

on 2002-11-15 22:34:22
Just as a side note: This isn't the boss music from the original Contra game. This is from the pseudo-first-person-perspective stages from the same game. The boss music is -similar-, but not quite the same.

Yea you're right! hehe i guess it really doesnt matter, i still hate that tune. was way to repeatitive in the game.

on 2002-11-15 16:27:34

Ive had this sitting around on the hard drive for months and months, and I still like it, but due to the time it was done, both remixers have improved greatly, so to have it posted now kind of makes it look bad. But even back then, its way above average compared to a lot of contra remixes ive heard. To be honest though , this has nothing on the vomitron contra :D

on 2002-11-15 13:47:35

Just as a side note: This isn't the boss music from the original Contra game. This is from the pseudo-first-person-perspective stages from the same game. The boss music is -similar-, but not quite the same.

How do I know this? Heheh, oh come on, don't you remember those stupid squares you had to shatter before you could get at the 'eye' beneath and then blow that up so you could continue? If you've played the game y'all know what I mean, and how could you miss that WONDERFUL music? (I used to crank it as loud as I could during just those missions for pure intense 'fps' action, lol)

As far as remixes go, this one is incredibly good in my opinion considering what they had to work with. Keep it up!

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
Contra (Konami , 1988, NES)
Music by Hidenori Maezawa,Kazuki Muraoka
"Maze Fortress 1 (3D)"

Tags (5)

Origin > Collaboration
Time > 4/4 Time Signature

File Information

4,686,056 bytes


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