Final Fantasy VIII "Existence Still Denied" 9:31
By The Vodoú Queen, ZackParrish
Arranging the music of 6 songs...
"FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC", "Force Your Way", "Premonition", "The Castle", "The Extreme", "The Loser"
Primary Game: Final Fantasy VIII (Square , 1999, PS1), music by Nobuo UematsuPosted 2024-02-06, evaluated by the judges panel
The concluding track of the epic 5-disc, 80-track Final Fantasy VIII: SeeDs of Pandora album is a sinister tour de force from the whirlwind herself, The Vodoú Queen, spurred on thanks to a suggestion by her musical partner-in-crime ZackParrish (who handled drums & SFX):
"And so, we once again reach the apex of the mountain...
It's been almost a year since I revisited my half of this album's "The Extreme" remix, "All Existence Denied". I hadn't planned on revisiting it, nor planned to add a revised version of it to the 5th bonus disc. *All* of this came from a private DM with Zack, and him asking about the remix and what my contribution to the collaborative effort was, directly. I do not think he had even heard the remix itself of the original 69, but I gave him an MP3 render that I had to dig out of the recesses of my old Seagate HD (the PC I had done the work has since imploded, although, thank the gods, the hard drive still worked!)
And then, he asked: "would you like to reignite your vision for the 5th disc?"
I was a bit hesitant; partially because of just how insanely large the DAW file was alone (145 tracks... it wasn't easy mixing all of those beforehand...), and how intricate the BPM changes were within said file... and he was asking this about 3-4 days *before the due date* for our work to be mastered and turned in for evaluation. But after some kindly chatter, I relinquished, and said: "f*ck it, why not?"
Not only did I want to -after thinking on it- go back and see if what I've learned in mixing and post-production since after its inception could actually crank it from that 11 threshold to a full 12 banger (and I hope it did!), but to see if I could utilize *solely* the EDM aspects of the original, and kind of re-add my original plans for the piece itself. I believe what Capt'n Shred and I had done was beautifully married together, and a great, solid remix that went beyond the realms of usual remixes for "The Extreme", and we had accomplished not falling into the category of sounding 'like another The Black Mages' rendition of the source.
But... what else could *I* bring to the table? How could I make it evolve and grow, and in turn, show my growth as a musician and music producer?
Zack and I batted ideas back and forth. He implored me to completely rework the Interlude/Trap section from the original and have it much more focused, much more simplified - and to add a rap to it!! And well, since Darkflamewolf mentioned before that they *really* thought a "sorceress rap" would be cool, and I've done it once before... I figured to try and put more of what bit of vocal/singing talent I've got and do my best at it. Synths were strengthened, leads and basses I tried to tweak and fix by having better call/response action to each other. FX chains were re-examined and ripped apart and envelopes built back again...
... And here we are, once again at the final precipice of this 10-min "magnum opus".
My hope is that this shows a stark contrast to the original, but also is an homage *to* the original by having those callbacks, whilst being a remix in its own right. I hope it keeps people's interest, and they find something new or something they hadn't noticed before, every time they listen to the song. I did my best to make it distinct and have something different and fresh every time the vibe and flow switched gears, and I'm actually very proud of the vocal work I did with this, and all that I've managed to accomplish in wrangling the Frankensteinian beast I had created...
I cannot express how thankful I am for Zack coming to me, just having a talk with me, and wanting me to push myself, express myself, and get my work out there. If it wasn't for him, (or his fantastic ability to fix my horrible transposing and MIDI mistakes, or his truly kick-ass, epic drum creations, OR those wonderful beginning sound effects that lead into the Overture!), I don't think this dream would have come true. The entirety of this album has been one hell of an experience -for better, and almost not at all for worse- and what I've learned in the interim, and the extremely kind people I've met and became friends with has been one of the best experiences in my 30-or-so-years of living on this Earth...
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. Please enjoy, and always remember...
Your Existence. Is still. Denied. <3"
This version's actually been tidied up a little on the production side since the album release, and if you need a source usage breakdown, there's additional comments in the album liner notes and the MP3 here, so we've always got your back. Big kudos to Zack for lifting VQ's spirits up in their collaborative journeys for SeeDs of Pandora; when you feel out of your depth and swimming in imposter syndrome, sometimes you just need a helping hand to nudge you toward the intended outcome. We can overthink about ambitious ideas all day, but the added perspective, refinements, and encouragement helped steer VQ toward the actual realization of her wonderful ideas. The unanimous judges panel sentiment was best articulated by Emunator (HEY, stop being so articulate!):
"This is deeply ambitious and very well well executed, brimming with atmosphere and personality without foregoing the vibe of your original source material. We had a conversation over Discord at one point where you were questioning what your strong suits were as a remixer, and I'd argue this arrangement exemplifies so many of the things that make you stand out as an artist. You are a very talented arranger and know how to synthesize many disparate ideas into something that actually flows and takes you through a journey. You have a gift for throwing everything at the wall in the name of ambition and experimentation and *making* it stick. You play nice with collaborators and know how to come in with a clear vision that others can actually work with. You are bold and brave - there's really no other way to pull off something this grand *without* a good amount of fearlessness.
All of it comes together to make something that's extremely satisfying from start to finish, even if there are some technical wrinkles in the execution. Bravo!!"
Arrangement-wise, it's just a wonderfully varied presentation. Crazy stuff, or as judge prophetik music put it, "the overall experience is really something special." Rumble, young lady, rumble. :-)

on 2024-05-18 08:39:05
Also, FWIW, you are right in some regard on the length alone that it was too much of a slow-roll and overambitious to a fault. ...I don't know. It was a darling I wasn't willing to kill, considering some background circumstances / context behind this remix from the album itself that hits pretty close to home. ...It was a vision indeed, but not without its flaws.
I'll just do better next time.

on 2024-05-18 08:34:49
Hey there.
That's a fair take, and I understand if and when people have a strong reaction to a beloved song or OST of theirs, and SeeDs/FFVIII is no exception. I'm...a bit upset by this, honestly, but you respectively are entitled to your opinion and feelings, and I'm sure you won't be the first or last in this regard. My music--as is obvious even on the Judges' Panel--is seemingly it because of how I went about producing and mixing it or the composition itself. At the time, I was pretty chuffed and proud of this remix...given when it happened, the work it took, and the final result...but I'd be remiss to say that this amongst other things kind of hits me in a way where currently I have to disassociate my emotions from my logic brain...and all I can say is this:
Thank you for your honesty in the end, and all I can do is apologize that this version of the Extreme doesn't resonate with you. Quite a few of my remixes, even if or when they make it past the bar, has that issue. Perhaps it's "growing pains", as people call it. This track was a first for many things for me: 100+ track mixing, in-depth vocal mixing that isn't just ad libs here or there or chopped loops, rapping to my own musical shit, etc. By no means is any of this an excuse to have what may in fact be a...less-than-stellar remix, and people will say I'm being harsh on myself in behind your retuned review, but I digress.
It is what it is. ...I'm unsure if I'll ever come back to this and do a re-cut / deep-cut and change it drastically as I get better at this game, but again, I'm very sorry to you and anybody else who just couldn't or didn't vibe with this. I chose this track and the other sources I sewed into it because they, too, deeply resonated with me, as both a casual listener and as an artist. FF8 in particular is the dark horse / black sheep and underrated game of the series, and I chose SeeDs as my first jumping off point because at the time I felt brave enough to do so and I like the game and OST, despite its flaws, and equally my own flaws and trepidation to dare try. I...don't know. Be that as it may, I'm glad I did, I'm sad it didn't work for you, and I'll...just have to try harder and better next time.
I, and I'm sure the rest of us here, appreciate your hard work in reviewing our tracks and being real with yourself in this instance to just tell it like it is to me. I'd rather have a genuine reaction than a falsehood to my work. People doubting it and me are inevitable and I'll just...try again to pick up the pieces and continue onward. I'm not letting another creative writing or art pursuit flop happen again. . . This is about as genuine and positive I can be in this moment in response to ya. . . :) And it's not a reflection on you, but on myself in how poorly I look at my OWN work and person.
Introspection is a bitch.
Thanks again. I'll take all of your points and do what I can with them on future projects or further revisions to past ones. Take care of yourself and speak soon. o/

on 2024-05-17 12:15:31
I have been summoned! Honestly, I'm glad I was because my original review was weak sauce. I couldn't really tell you the differences between this version and the one I heard originally, so this is basically a fresh review.
In my quest to review as many OCremixes as I can, I found myself
defaulting to giving a positive review to each and every
review. I know how much of a difference even a small review
or comment can make, and I wanted to be that positive force that
encouraged others to make music! However, I have a
very long and personal relationship with the FF8
soundtrack. And the Extreme is one of my favorite boss
themes of all time. It is a soundtrack I am deeply familiar
with and I'll be completely honest, I am not a fan of this
remix. My original review was glib because I didn't say
what I wanted to say. So my apologies to you for not
leaving a genuine review. You are going to get one now
though, definitely the longest review I've ever done on this
site! (So far). I will try to be as constructive as I can
with this review, and keep in mind this is all subjective
opinion. I very much applaud and appreciate what you've
done here and the clear care and passion you put into this.
I'll start with what I enjoy. The transition to the spoken
work/rap section from 6:00 to 6:24 was my favorite part of the
track, those wood blocks were FIRE. The rap section and the
spoken word bits in general were very cool. The intro
soundscape was very enjoyable, specifically the first 30 seconds.
and the usage of the FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC source was very
well done.
On to my criticisms. My first one is the pacing of the
remix. In my original review I mentioned that it uses the
time well. Upon further review, I do not think that is not
the case. Even though I think the intro is very cool, 3
minutes to ramp up into the energetic portion of the song is way
too long, it could have been it's own remix and would have been
great but in the context of a single remix it overstays its'
welcome. I think a good minute could have been cut from the
intro. Even though I enjoyed the rap section, it was way
too short and felt very out of place, it really felt like it
should be its' own remix as well. The long length of this
remix doesn't really give me a good chance to latch onto anything
in particular and kind of causes the whole remix to wash over you
like a fog.
My second criticism from a musical standpoint is that in the
"Tension and Release" aspect of music, there was too much tension
and not enough release. To start, after the song-length
intro. We get to some energetic stuff starting
at 2:52. That part was very cool, like many of the
transitions in this remix. The rhythmic chanting voices,
that super cool Buzzy bass.... the strings that come in at 2:58
were weak, but not a deal-breaker... but then it just kind of...
shifts to 3:04 - 3:15. After all that build up and a cool
transition it just kind of flops. I felt musically
blue-balled, and it wouldn't be the last time.
My favorite part of the original source is that epic climatic
section that dives right into the somber piano/harp. It
kind of encapsulates everything that makes the Extreme such a
good boss music and a great representative of Ultimicia.
However in this remix, I didn't get any of that. I felt
like I got played at 5:04 and 5:26 and once again at 8:34.
From a creative standpoint, I appreciate the subversion of the
expectation, but as an enjoyer of the source, it felt incredibly
Production is a bit off as well. Everything felt kind of
flimsy. Some of the lead synth instruments really needed
some protein. (Especially that lead that comes in at
3:58.) The drums barely had any presence (Especially the
snares) and tended to be very repetitive. The end result is
that a lot of this remix doesn't really pack any sort of
Again, I hope this review doesn't discourage you. There are
things I liked about this remix and would probably like more if
this remix was chopped up into more cohesive regular sized
remixes. Keep making cool music! 😄

on 2024-05-16 16:56:14
Oh, snap!!! It's updated, @CJthemusicdude!!
Thank you so much, @Liontamer! ♡

on 2024-04-27 09:33:27
On 3/24/2024 at 3:23 PM, CJthemusicdude said:What an experience! I didn't realize how long this as until I finished, it uses the time well! Superb.
Thank you so much for your comment, CJ! :) Unfortunately, not long after your listening to it I went back and listened myself, and it's come to my attention that this version is not the one originally attached to the e-mail submission for ESD. I had actually went back and redid the vocal mixing and production on all the other elements across the board, in the spirit of making it be beyond its album incarnation and more for the OCR front page.
...I hope at some point, some day, that updated, re-tuned version will come to light on OCR, but for the moment I'm glad you really enjoyed the album version of ESD. ^_^; If it does, I hope you revisit this tune as well. ♡

on 2024-03-24 11:23:21
What an experience! I didn't realize how long this was until I finished, it uses the time well! Superb.
Sources Arranged (6 Songs)
- Primary Game:
Final Fantasy VIII (Square
, 1999,
Music by Nobuo Uematsu
- Songs:
"Force Your Way"
"The Castle"
"The Extreme"
"The Loser"
Tags (14)
- Genre:
- EDM,Experimental
- Mood:
- Aggressive,Angry,Solemn
- Instrumentation:
- Synth,Vocals: Female
- Additional:
- Arrangement > Medley
Lyrics > Language: English
Lyrics > Lyrics: Existing
Lyrics > Lyrics: Original
Origin > Collaboration
Time > 4/4 Time Signature
Time > Tempo: Variable
File Information
- Name:
- Final_Fantasy_8_Existence_Still_Denied_OC_ReMix.mp3
- Size:
- 16,473,763 bytes
- MD5:
- eb0c1193675e0f78907a2f36ac498254
- Bitrate:
- 229Kbps
- Duration:
- 9:31
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
Time? It will not wait.
No matter how hard you hold on,
It escapes you...
I am Ultimecia.
Time shall compress.
All existence? Denied.
This is reality!
No one can help you!
Sit back...
And enjoy the show!
Welcome to Hell!
My name is Ultimecia,
Lyrical genius.
The Mistress of Rhyme,
Usurper of Time.
You have no hope in this battle,
Such a thorn in my side...
I'll crush you like weeds.
Think you have a chance?
Oh, pleaze...
Maniacal laughter!
You're such disease.
There's no hope to be had here,
Cease your miserable pleas.
Be gone with you,
Or get on your knees.
Sorceress Queen.
Your end is nigh,
Pitiful SeeDs...
(Fithos...) I. Am. Ultimecia.
(Lusec...) This. Is. Reality!
(Wecos...) No one can help you!
(Vinosec.) Existence. Still. Denied!
Final Fantasy VIII: SeeDs of Pandora
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- Size: 16,473,763 bytes
- MD5 Checksum: eb0c1193675e0f78907a2f36ac498254
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