"Fear and respect... the supreme energy that is Psycho Power!"

Article by: Psychotic Ninja
Pictured from: Street Fighter Alpha 3
Created by: Capcom
First appearance: 1991
M. Bison, the final boss of Street Fighter II, has long aspired to be the strongest martial artist in the world so as to dominate it. He is the mastermind behind Shadoloo, a covert crime organization, whose death toll has made many lust for revenge against the dictator. By hosting the second World Warrior tournament, Bison hopes to draw out and eliminate these potential threats to his plans.
In a one-on-one match, Bison likes to leap and dive through the air, cheating gravity. The Psycho Crusher turns him into a flaming human torpedo, the Scissor Kick is a quick but powerful feet-first lunge, and the Head Stomp is exactly what it sounds like. Additionally, in the Alpha series, M. Bison has mastered the Psycho Power, an occult energy that enables him to fly, teleport, and create multiple illusions of himself. Combined with his burning, pupil-less eyes, many see the madman as the embodiment of evil.
Selected game appearances
- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1991)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (1992)
- Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1993)
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo (1994)
- Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (1995)
- Street Fighter Alpha 2 (1996)
- X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1996)
- Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1997)
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (1998)
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 (1998)
- Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 (2000)
- Street Fighter IV (2008)
- Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (2010)
Super NES
- Street Fighter Alpha 2 (1996)
- Street Fighter EX Plus @ (1997)
Xbox 360
- Super Street Fighter IV (2010)
- Ultra Street Fighter IV (2014)
PlayStation 3
- Street Fighter X Tekken (2012)
- Puzzle Fighter (2017)
- Wikipedia - "M. Bison"
- GameSurge - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 Quotes and Dialogue by Robert Iu"
- Street Fighter II Turbo instruction manual