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Psychotic Ninja

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  1. 1TB External Hard Drive Water-proof gloves Scarf Socks Speakers for the computer 30$ Coat
  2. You gotta admit though, that article is pretty accurate.
  3. Really enjoy the Arrangements, especially Corridors of Time. And as Dhsu says, it's good to see some people from the Japanese remixing community interested in OC ReMix.
  4. I really enjoy Crow's Claw stuff, now if I can only find his Scythe of Hell album.
  5. DarkeSword, don't we already have like, a million projects going on?
  6. this project will never end, will it?
  7. now your getting real advice. also, check out www.newegg.com, if you didnt know about it already.
  8. Are you planning to get this stuff at a local computer store or off the internet?
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_computers Scroll down untill you reach configuration, the list of 10 things, will tell you what you need to get to have a working PC. Can't tell you the best things to get without getting ripped off, cause I have never built a computer, I just know what you need to have a working computer.
  10. Do you know atleast anything about the parts of a computer? Like the motherboard, CPU, RAM, Video Card, etc?
  11. How much money are you willing to spend?
  12. Why did you come back if you was gone for so long, if I may ask? I mean, I usually disappear for a month or two, then come back, check on the Mascosts Site Project(lol), and then disappear again.
  13. shit, almost forgot about this, good thing i came to the forums.
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