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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Matthew Martin

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  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

Alexanderandom's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Alright here it is, my self-redemption after testing out a bunch of methods. I know it doesn't count since it's late, but does this version sound better? https://soundcloud.com/guitarmatt21/need-a-lift-shield-knight-vs-propeller-knight
  2. Thanks for the words of encouragement guys, all of your entries sounded so great (Willrock's outro solo especially *drools*) I couldn't help but poo poo myself. Can you challenge any remixer or just ones who have been knocked out?
  3. I agree with everyone voting for Hakstok over me haha, when I listened to everyone's mixes they all sounded really great! I love arranging and writing crazy stuff but I usually go too complicated, and just can't master as good as people on this thread. Apparently my synth sounds from Reason just aren't strong enough because I tried FM8 recently and it made old mixes sound much better with barely any tweaking. I'm gonna redo it probably and I'll post it here when I'm done. Good luck to everyone else because I'm most likely out
  4. Is there a separate thread for voting or is it all done in this thread? Sorry I'm pretty new to this forum. Hope everyone likes my weird entry, trying to master a track in a day is hard for me so hopefully it doesn't sound like butts!
  5. Whatever you end up doing, I support you. After all, I am Shield Knight
  6. Shield Knight is very strange to work with since the tunes are pretty mellow, so I'm going to try to win with love. And by love I mean funky groovy fun times.
  7. Woohoo I love Propeller Knight's theme! I look forward to hearing what everyone comes up with as well.
  8. Oops I already consented , yeah I don't know how to become a competitor or anything so I guess I'll just have my post here and see what happens?
  9. Looks like you just post here 1. Shovel Knight 2. Shield Knight 3. Polar Knight 4. Treasure Knight *Edit I'd like to do singles
  10. I'm new to competitions on this website, did you want us to make a forum post of our 4 choices after we've filled out that other form?
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