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  1. God I don't know how i let this pass, will definitively change that 0:25 part (and the other ones). Will definitively change the ending too! Thank you for your advices! EDIT: yup, it sounds awful, wtf was I thinking? x)
  2. Hi! I did a new orchestral cover and I wanted your feedback before it goes online (and maybe on OCremix, who knows?) http://picosong.com/uv86/ Original:
  3. Hello everyone! Here is a short orchestral remix I did, using the Sonic 3 Boss theme. I hope you enjoy it!
  4. Thank you for your advices and your kind words! Well I tried to be as close as possible to the original sound in the first 50 seconds, so I choose this dulcimer-style instrument (which is the Dobro by 8Dio) but yeah the balance is a bit weird. Balancing/Mixing the instruments is my main issue at the moment (with other remixes I did as well), I will try to improve that in the future!
  5. Hi everyone! I did an orchestral cover based on the Papers Please main theme, check it out! Don't hesitate to comment, I am open to any suggestions! (and sorry for my horrible english, I will try to improve that in the future)
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