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Help! My (Guitar/Bass) Tone sucks! How do I fix it?


Have you, or someone you know, ever tried to mix guitar or bass tracks (or even virtual versions of them!) and felt way in over your head? Like nothing you do is working and it sounds like garbage?

Well fret less, because The Sages have you covered!

Join @pixelseph for a live workshop on guitar/bass tone shaping - what it entails AND how to use it in a remix! This 3-4 hour event will consist of

  • general terminology (how stringed instruments like guitar and bass produce sound, what an amplifier is and does, what gain is in the context of amplified instruments)
  • basic differences in instruments (pickups, strings, amp types, speaker types)
  • a practical demonstration of the terminology in action
    • dialing in a similar tone across 3 amp simulators
    • dialing in a clean tone, a crunchy rhythm tone, and a lead tone (guitar)
    • dialing in a clean tone and a kanky tone (bass)
    • working stems into a mix

Everything will be demonstrated with free tools (where possible) and some of the more prominent tools in the community. These tools - DI stems, virtual instruments, amp simulators, and impulse responses - will be made available to EVERYONE at the end of the webinar; please see the VOD description for links!

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