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Posts posted by TESM_FlashComposer

  1. I was greatly amused by this song as it had excellent lyrics (which is appreciated more if you own a copy of Chrono Trigger) and a real neat 80's style melody. I enjoyed this song on many levels and the melody goes along perfectly with both the words and the voice used for the piece. Robo was always a cool character and the music was fantastic by all means for snes. With in depth lyrics and beautiful harmony between voice and music, i give this mix a 9/10.

  2. Hey everyone, I've been visiting this site for almost 2 years now, and well, I thought i should be a part of it. I have listened to many, many remixes over the course of time, about 200+, if not more, and I'm very impressed with what I've heard, so much, that i thought i'd like to honor (or dishonor if you don't like me) this site with something i'm not too shabby at making.

    I make flash animations, serious mostly, and am completing a work that has taken months of actual flash work, and years of offtime improving my equipment, art, etc.

    OC remix provides me with about 90% of the music i use because of it's melody, nostalgic tunes, and excellent variations. I am making a series to showcase, and I would like to be here to help spread the good name of OC remix as well. I thank all composers and remixers as well... who knows... I can't play an instrument too well, but i write it, and my bro plays... maybe we'll make something someday.

    In any case, I'd like to say hello to everyone and hope i can help and participate as much as possible. Thank you.

    Name: Matthew H.

    Age: 16

    Job: Student, Flash artist, composer

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