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Posts posted by Conan-the-3rd

  1. So if someone is down a stock and he is on the other side of the stage and he happens to get a really good item that spawns on his side of the stage and he comes back and wins you are telling me that requires more skill? Even though the item was just as likely to spawn on the side of the stage with the person who was winning, sealing his victory? Because to me that sounds like the match is decided with a coin flip, the opposite of skill.
    Couse, if you can't get out of the way of the baseball bat, that's your problem.
  2. You know what I find ironic? That almost always "killing god" quates to something that thinks it's god.

    IE: Xenogears. Fighting god? Nope, your fighting a massive bio weapon and his "angels" are mutated humans.

    I'll bet you anything the same aplies here.

  3. Little bit of a confession here, when I saw the media blitzkrig for the movie, I had no idea it was the adapation of "The northen lights".

    And from what I'm reading, this is basicly Xenogears times JoJo's Bizzare Adventure minus epic manly punching minus mechs?

  4. Gruntilda in Banjo-Kazooie can be the hardest thing in B-K or the Easyst thing in B-K depending upon if you item grinded or not (and by that I meen if you got all the Notes, I belive it was 1000 Notes to open the infinate Gold Feather Door) and hence if you ignore that bloody last Golden Piece from the Harbor (the one with the roter blades and the timed switch, now THAT is an epic last boss).

    Anyway, yeah, you have all the infanite items and Gruntilda becomes a total joke.

  5. I actually thought it was decently made. Let it grow on you and see what happens :)
    Went back to the previous episdoe and heard the real opening.

    It sounds so much better. I swear, if they actualy go and USE that opening wiht the SMB as the new podcast opening, they'll be laughed off the face of the earth.

  6. Dude, the Tales of Symphonia soundtrack sucked :)
    You go to die now, mister.

    Anyway, Remix, TOP and TOS, woot, and let's not have delays to make "emeralds of chaos" blush, plz.

    Emeralds of Chaos? I'd assume you mean Hedgehog Heaven?

    Yeah, delay heaven. That one :P But my point still stands.
  7. It's just not the kind of thing you'd see on a real life cd case, which is probably the kind of thing DS wants.

    You're right.


    This work is much better than the first version (For the front part).

    My work? If you looked fully at my post, i've posted a draft of an idea i got. It's near the very bottom :)

    Wow! That's really good. :wink:

    Why am I reaminded of Perfect Kirby?

  8. I just finished printing my album art, and it turned out better than expected! My crappy HP printer usually results in very washed-out blurry printouts, but for some reason it liked these labels. It's the first time in a long time the printout looked better than it did onscreen...


    It looks much better in real life than in this photo!

    Thanks again to Icy Guy for the 'Sonic 2 Menus' font.

    hobo: Thanks... for the umpteenth time! Actually, it was your praise that inspired putting the 'Thanks To: Everyone who gave comments...' on the inside of the booklet.

    And to the mixers and everyone else involed... thanks for taking the time to create this wonderful project. I honestly didn't know what to expect when I started playing this album. Let's just say I was pleasantly surprised! Spectacular work!!

    I know this is going to sound realy dumb but how did you print out everything? (Via word or-?)
  9. Volt (Tales of Symponia) was a bitch.

    Infact' date=' the begining of Tales of Symphonia was very hard if you had no idea of how important guarding was.[/quote']Volt was really hard, but he's easy for one main reason: He's only one enemy, and you have your entire team. The Lloyd vs. Kratos Fight near the end of the game was much harder, and MUCH more fun!

    As for the gurading thing, I never really guraded, I just relentlessly pinned and diced all the one-on-team bosses. The team-on-one hero fights are EVIL, such as the Colloseum.

    The last fight in team battle kicked my ass a few times...until I figured out you could use items :o.

    You can use items against the three earlier Tales Series people? Wow. That would help.

    I'm just at the watter Ranch (Rodyle) and I've read up on his HP (30,000) that doesn't seem an awful lot concidering... Betcha he has some realy cheap ploy though.

    I also think I've somehow stunted my Skill learning (I inaventertnly slaped a good few people towords the "S" side of the T/S scale.

    But I did learn a nice little trick in comboing "Sword Rain Alpha" and "Raging beast".

    If you prefom Raging Beast just before Lloyd does the vertiacl jump slash that finishes SRA, he'll pull off Raging Beast. It takes a good bit of TP but the damage is great :D

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