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One_Winged Angel

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Posts posted by One_Winged Angel

  1. 8) Lavos spawn (chrono trigger) are pretty hard to beat, but they're not bosses.

    Lavos wins the prize. I had to beat the game four times to be able to defeat him ( Chrono Level 56, Frog Level 52 and Marle Level 48). And it is one of the most time consuming bosses. It takes a lot of time to beat him. You gotta fight it from outside, and then from inside. When you beat the "inside lavos" then, lavos core appears. The worst thing is that it heals itself, sou you gotta have a lot of healing items, elixir, etc... to survive the long combat.

    OMg u suck at those lvls I lvls I would of Owned Lavas I fought him at like lvl 40-47

    you can always see a n00b...





    I find that funny because I just recently finished "1984" by George Orwell and never thought of that

  2. *to Chizniz*

    Okay, now that I know it works (YAY), do you want me to give props to you because I gladly would

    That would be propper nettiquete. You may notice some other people who have had sigs made for them by various sigmakers, and they mention or say thanks to that person in their sig? Thats what would be considered a polite thing to do.

    So ya, go for it

    Ya I saw other people doing it... that's why I asked if you would appreciate it.

  3. One_Winged Angel wrote:

    I saw a bunch of Ninja Gaiden posts but if you use the Vigoorian Flails and the Windmill shuriken, almost any boss is a breeze.

    Anyway, I think the hardest boss is the final boss from Arc the Ladd:Twilight of the Spirits... he was such a lameass

    Thalzon wrote:

    I know. What a cheap little bitch he was, eh?

    Him: I'll spit out these little eyeball-thingies!

    Me: Alright! I attack you!

    Him: Ha ha! You can't hurt me until you kill five of the eyeball thingies!

    Me: Okay, I killed five! Now I hurt you!

    Him: Not so fast! I'll either drain back all the HP you took from me, or I'll do a super attack which not only will probably kill you, but also give me back my dark shield, which you must get rid of by destroying ANOTHER five eyeball-thingies!

    Me: Shit.

    I love the way you put it... however we're 2 of the only 6 to buy the game

  4. I saw a bunch of Ninja Gaiden posts but if you use the Vigoorian Flails and the Windmill shuriken, almost any boss is a breeze.

    Anyway, I think the hardest boss is the final boss from Arc the Ladd:Twilight of the Spirits... he was such a lameass

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