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Thom Serveaux

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  1. Well hello all, the name's Thom Serveaux((pronounced Ta-hom Ser-vo)) and when I'm not here enjoying the tunes, I'm usually engaged in my two other obsesions, anime & MST3K ((Hence the username)) Been long enough now that I don't exactly recall just how I discovered this site, but like most of us I am extremely grateful that I did. Especially w/ Halloween coming up, I can really use some of the 'spookier' stuff as fodder for my annual outdoor display ... BTW has anyone managed to come across a copy of the 'Killer Kuts ' CD that Nintendo put out back when they were introducing KI to the SNES? Mine must've recieved X-tra rough handling during shipment, 'cause not long after I got it, the thing like, broke in half!!! Ghaaa!!!! still haven't gotten over that as you can tell....
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