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Posts posted by Phrostbyte

  1. Hey guys I'm new here! LoloLOolLolol!!1!!1

    Just kidding.

    Well as I checked through the thread, I realized that I never really introduced myself. As you can see my name is Starlight. I'm 16 and live in Virginia. I've been on OCR since early 2003, but I really don't like message boards, so I never joined. I was pushed into joining, and have since really loved this site. Each area has a distinct feel to it, Unmod being the most rowdy of them all. Anyways, a late hello to all.

    I never realized it, you've only been here since october, and have 1400+ posts...damn...thats a lot of posting! I bet they're all quality too :roll:

    :lol: jk

    You bring up an interesting point. I don't think I did either, uh, but yeah, I think at this point it is unnecessary.

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