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Posts posted by Malaki-Nemesis.exe

  1. Hmm... This will probably seem like a n00bish question, but I suppose this is the right thread for it(I hope).

    Well I'm thinking of finally starting to remix. It'll help develop my musical ear and composing skills(and hopefuly, I'll be able to create some good stuff. :P). Anyway, I'm gonna go with Fruity Loops and I was wondering, which add-ons should I get along with it. Is there a prefered basic set?

  2. Well now that I can read the forum...

    I'm new. Hello!

    I've always been just a downloader but I've recently had the strong urge to learn to remix. Music runs in the family but I just haven't been motivated enough until now. I want to kick my own ass for not learning some guitar or keyboard but anyway... My profile's in the signature.

    Nice to meet you all. :wink:

    Hmm...Your predicament sounds very similar to my own...

  3. Yo...I've already made a few posts around here. I guess I'm still new so I thought I'd do the intro thing. Malaki's my name, interests are most things musical, playin' video games(duh), primarily RPGs and action games, playin' my guitar and anything else that tickles my fancy.

    Came to this site about a year or so ago, but I decided to join now for some strange reason instead of earlier. I hope that I eventually make a few good mixes to post up here. :P

    I also have a dumb newbie question about qoutes. How am I able to get "_insert person's name here_ wrote", or the same thing in a double quote? Thanks in advance and sorry for any previous grievances.

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