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Posts posted by Transient

  1. Been a while when I last stopped on this site. I have 4gees of OC in my hard drive so there hasn't been major reason to! Now I'm here and I noticed that once again I'm sipping dark Eastern European beers and enjoying this tune (about 4 times in a row).

    This brings some memories from summer of 2007. I got my first job that fits to my education from downtown of Helsinki. Every now and then I took my bike and ride it to work. I usually put this song on from my MP3 player and tested if I'm able to ride across 9:00 AM Helsinki crosstown traffic to office during the duration of BlueLightning. Usually I made it, thanks to versatility of bike in big cities, you can be a "car" or a "pedestrian". There were CLOSE calls, because you didn't care much about other traffic when this tune was pumping through your skull.

    The Classic for me.

  2. No Huhhuh.Äijällä on näkemystä.

    I was (tired)arriving from Rovaniemi to Helsinki(Both in Finland) with train and in Lapland there

    was this ruska(donnow what is it in english :?: ,leaves of the trees turn yellow and red)thing going on and I was sitting in the train and watching the this beatiful but melancholy landscape rolling by and listening this from my laptop.

    There are these perfect moments in life when you are in your own

    "bubble" and everything else escapes and you just hope that the bubble lasts a little longer before it pops. I had that moment in the train with this song and when the guitar comes out near the end...especially then everything was in it's place for that moment. I don't know did you intent to have a little finnish melancholy in the song, but I must admid that there it is. And I love it :D:D

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