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Posts posted by hjalfi

  1. I've actually just listened to this again on speakers, and it's actually way cool. As, you say, the middle's a bit disappointing, but the beginning and end are imaginative and well done and the phase tricks add an amazing sense of space.

    Alas, I mostly listen to remixes at work, through headphones, so this won't be going on my permanent playlist...

  2. Mmm. This is *almost* really, really good... all the individual parts of it are brilliant. Unfortunately, IMO, all those parts put together leads to something that's a bit chaotic and unstructured. It never seems to go anywhere. It doesn't seem to *mean* anything, which is a pity, because there's so much potential.

    That said, I'm going to check out the other pieces in the series. Right now...

  3. Fabulous. Truly. It's got structure, it's got style, it's literate, it shows a deep appreciation and understanding of what makes music, and yes, it's got mad piano skillz. It's just the right length, too.

    What it doesn't have is a download link! Where can I get it? Preferably better quality than 64kbit stream... the artist profile page just points at mp3.com, which is defunct, and there's no other information. Someone said that this apparently came from vgmix.com, but I can't find anything there, either...

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