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Posts posted by Cyan

  1. Hi, I'm in the process of making this electro-tune, but need some suggestions feedback etc until going further. I haven't paid to much attention to production values yet, which explains no panning and wery little effectprocessing.

    Well, enjoy.

    UPDATE! It's now close to finish. I'm a little unsure about some stuff, but that's why I need YOUR opinion!

    Feedback please. :)


  2. Hi people, I'm working on a new original track and need some feeback before I'm proceding further. Style is chill-out, minimalistic/Groove/synth/psy-electronica. Or something like that.

    I haven't paid too much attention at panning, reverb and the bigger part of the production at this point. Just focusing on vibe, sounds and harmonies. I would be happy if you leave a comment of what you think, suggestions etc.



  3. Yoozer: That's a nice story.

    My dad owns a DX7, and I'm a little bit tempted to lend it, learning how to create sounds with it. However, everyone says that it's a hell of work to learn the FM synthesis theory, and as well to use it properly. That's probably why I stick with my subtractive synths (like ms20), though I like the sound of the DX7 (and FM in general) a lot.

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