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Bob Thee Avenger

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  1. As far as making a movie soundtrack, (which I think is an awesome idea), you have to consider Spekkosaurus (Steffan Andrews). Unfortunately, his personal web site seems to be down now, but you can see his work in the piece 'The Trial in Concert'. I am a fan of piano music for some circumstances because it can set a mood so well, which is especially important for a movie. I am speaking for myself here, but I think that Spekkosaurus would be perfect for this team, and I absolutely love the piano work that he shows off in the Trial, which is from Chrono Trigger coincidently. That's my two cent's worth. And I don't think you should count it out because it includes a piano, but rather, it should be given extra consideration because of the power that Spekkosaurus put into the piece with only a single classical instrument. Just something to think about. The song of which I speak: http://www.ocremix.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR00800
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