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Posts posted by Mary_mari

  1. Why isn't this working? For crying out loud, I've uploaded the freakING image, I can see it spectacularly on photobucket. Dude, I've done this many a time before, but something's awry. The only thing done differently is that the file is a .BMP...don't tell me that's the difference.


    Hmmm...assistance for the idiot??

  2. 8O ... 8O , this......... 8O , I have found my end title song! I am SOOOOO writing lyrics to this...yes, I am *leaves abruplty* Oh my, this is the best sounding remix b/c it just...it really IS a remix (the original roots, only fed w/pure groove). The constant violin in the main aspects of the song just make it soooo emotional. Yes, good lyrics for this. :wink: DUDE. Listen to this mix...you'll want to cry...or...wait-no...maybe that's just me... :oops:

    oh yeah, this deserves:

    ~^~Mari_mari's golden seal of approval~^~

    and... 8O

  3. Man, what kinda water are these djs DRINKING??? This mix is nothing short of kewl. Literally. You lean in, listening to the speakers like they're telling you you've won ten million smackaroonies. Try it, dudes! Nah, you don't have to. You just will by nature. :wink: I can't pick out a fav part in the track (mainly cuz, I'm not listening to it right now :lol: ), but the whole thing...ah. The music is compiled w/geniousity and brothaness :? . Yeah, I don't get it either, Plank.

    ~^~Mary_mari's seal of approval~^~

  4. Hmmmmmm...wow, it defenitley has an enchanted pagonda kinda feel. It makes me think of a samurai warrior getting ready to battle *nods thoughtfully*. Yes, indeed. It certainly is a different take on the original, ne??? I like it. It has reeeeeeeeeeeeeally good parts, but...it doesn't seem to click w/me all the way. Oriental music fashods should dl this. Moby fans *stands up proudly*, possibly. But weirdos like me...who knows. Who listens to people who like Moby, anyway *looks down sadly* :lol:

  5. I could just...just EAT this song. I thought it would sound corny w/the guitar, but uh-NO. It is awesome. Those fade in, fade out effects are to capture and immortalize until...the end of...time, sure. But, heck, I was pre-partial to this song cuz it's title is "DiddyEvolution"! When I was a tiny girl, I had a freakin' crush on Diddy Kong...how sweet/creepy :wink:

    ~^~Mary_mari's seal of approval~^~

  6. I dl'ed this about...hmmmm...let's see tres days ago and I finally listend to it and...I'll be honest *with crossed fingers behind back*...it is SOO kewl! When I heard the end title music (I guess credits music for short :?: ), I felt all reminiscent and like...awww, I remember my mom was the one who actually beat the game. Yeah, my parents were the one's to stay up until four am playing SNES, realize "we have work tomorrow", then...ya know the story :lol: Anyway, GREAT piece!

    ~^~Mary_mari's (crappy) seal of approval~^~

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