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Posts posted by Souliarc

  1. I'd love to take a picture of my computer but it'd be really boring. Keyboard, mouse, monitor, mouse...plus my desk is a graveyard of Ramen bowls lmfao, and those can't make music (I don't think so at least). This thread makes me sooo jealous :(

    Believe me, you make up for it in your musical incarnations of beauty.

    Let's just say I'd rather have your talent, than all my gear! And the Ramen noodles, well, that's the fuel to your genius :D SO EAT UP.

  2. I'm not gonna lie, you have some competition Jade, because this song makes ME love Jordan. I am subconsciously going to pretending this song was written for me... haha :P You're a lucky lady! Happy anniversary. I'm definitely going to be letting the lucky lady of my life have a listen to this as well.

    Hey Jordan, can you tell me what mic was used to record the lovely vibrating larynx of Ashley? Just for future reference cause, even though I am listening on some cheap computer speakers, I like the product the mic creates and might want to pic one up myself.

    This mix went by so fast for 8:00 minutes... the evolving bed of rhythms and melodies just sucks you in the whole time. I love the synth work. Everything cuts right through and serves their own part in a defined manner. The vocal melody and execution was impeccably placed and done with a refreshing sense of class. An instant keeper!

  3. Well, not necessarily. I would consider the binaural recording to be special in its own right as it's not your typical stereo recording and many people haven't heard it like this. I guess I can change the title if that would make people feel better.

    Even with the technology of the algorithm itself with the hearing aids, all you would be doing is hearing like you naturally would. The idea is transparency.

    Interesting thing about the binaural recording though is that youre hearing an interaction like you were actually in the middle of it all. It's like the difference between hearing two crowd mics pointed towards the crowd, and actually being in the crowd. So it's kind of "creating" an environment.

  4. Let's put a name with the face for some of these ideas:

    -Recording with a dummy head and two microphones at the position of the ears is binaural recording.

    -The ability of the brain to locate where a sound is coming from is called sound localization

    You can get your fill there and figure things out for yourselves as I have became an ungiddy little jitterbug by not going to bed last night at all...

    I am still not sure, but I belief I have used the Cetera algorithm as a misnomer due to an error in understanding by the author of the original article himself and my naivety. If you read the original he states "New sound algorithm to create 3d effects in sound" and "If this mp3 makes you crazy ,it is nothing but cetera algorithm." I believe this to be incorrect. The algorithm has nothing to with the mp3, that is simply binaural recording. The algorithm is ONLY used for the hearing aids in order for them to communicate to each other and mimic the process that the brain and ear goes through in processing interaural time differences and interaural level differences to give us sound localization. It is merely a communicative device between each aid to work together instead of two separate aids, which are unable to deliver sound localization like our ears do.

    The mp3 is merely a display of what it can sound like, like friendlyhunter said.

    While the cetera algorithm doesn't do anything special to recorded sound, I still believe that the recordings that binaural recording provides is more than just glorified stereo. I quote the article:

    "The result is a listening experience that spatially transcends normally recorded stereo, since it accurately reproduces the effect of hearing a sound in person, given the 360° nature of how human ears pick up nuance in the sound waves. Binaural recordings can very convincingly reproduce location of sound behind, ahead, above, or wherever else the sound actually came from during recording."

    It can't be achieved accurately by just having two microphones 7" apart either. Because sound is also shaped by our head and ears, there are head related transfer functions that must be taken into account.

  5. I am definitely not verse in the program but I do see a few things.

    Somehow, you able to plot notes beyond the step sequencers "steps", the gray blocks. I couldn't even recreate that. That could be part of the problem. Try deleting, and recreating those tracks, but not til after you try my next suggestion.

    Also, and maybe even more relevant, the blue bar in the song editor window that actually designates if a track is going to play, I think it's too short. It's only across two measures. Your notes for the bottom two tracks don't start til around the 5th measure.

    I gotta leave work now though! Good luck.

  6. Man, with out being there or having the program it's hard to troubleshoot. It looks like your CPU meter is almost peaking... maybe that has something to do with it.

    Tell you what. I have LMMS on my office computer. I have to work tomorrow morning so I'll try and recreate what you have here to see what the problem is.

  7. You're starting to sound kind of hurt that someone dismissed your fancy stereo thing as just that; stereo. What, did you but stock in that company or something?

    Well, I'm not gonna lie, I do care. I just get excited trying to help people understand things, especially when it comes to aural matters. I guess I failed though :\ I can see how my mindset of this topic is rather enthusiastic, but that's just my demeanor about things when they interest me. I'm a giddy little jitter bug.

    You can dismiss it as stereo, I will see it as more. That's perfectly fine by me.

    If he did by stock in that company, he's in good shape! Seems like it's got a good response so far...

    It is really revolutionary, stock wouldn't be a bad idea.... :)

  8. If something is hyped up, I know I will have a tendancy to dismiss it as no big deal before even experiencing it, in most circumstances anyway. It's part of my conditioned reaction to things that are hyped up. That may be a little of what is going on there.

    I am the same way. It is very hard to ignore this tendency.

    Did I mention it was awesome? ;-)

    When the guitar plays and telephone rings it sounds like it is behind, up, and to the left. Love it!

  9. All I'm hearing is slightly fancier stereo. I didn't get any of this "amazing" up or down changes, or distance, or any of that.

    Yes, I used headphones. Yes, I had them plugged in, no, they are not damages (I tried it with two different pairs) and no, I don't have any hearing damage, so you can stop right there.

    I think this is all about the power of suggestion. You read that's it supposed to be awesome first, and you believe it. I didn't read any of the page's text first, and I didn't get anything out of it. Only afterwards did I understand what it was supposed to do. And it didn't.

    You can say how awesome it was all you want, but it doesn't really do anything. Techno-babble and self-induced hype, that's all it seems to be.

    Geez, you seem so bitter :P Unfortunately, I guess all it will be is techno-babble and self-induced hype to you.

    I, and many others can personally vogue for the different way this sounds. There is a CLEAR distinction between stereo and what the algorithm provides. Like I said, it provides the brain with the necessary information to ignore the presence of the headphones. That is the biggest part. Clearly different from hearing two harsh "speakers" next to your ears. Just last night I had three different friends look around and behind them when they heard this. I didn't even explain what it was before I let them listen to it, to avoid the placebo effect. The reaction I have gotten from people is INSANE and could never happen with a typical stereo recording.


    have you?!?

    ......... maybe ;)

  10. While I agree cracking DAWs is dishonest, I don't think lack of commitment is a relevant observation. Matter of fact, I think people may be TOO COMMITED to record music when they have to steal it. The only reason to swipe a DAW off the net is to not spend money. And mostly because people don't have enough money. But they want to record so bad that they have to steal it. So IMO, over-commitment is the problem there.

    Yeah, you're right. I guess regardless if there is an honest person and a dishonest person, both of them can still be committed.

    The problem is entitlement. You don't have to be the least bit committed to download stuff, all you need is to feel entitled to something to think you have every right in the world to get it. And you don't. Combine that with lack of patience and access to the riches of the internet and you have an absurd situation, really. In every other aspect of life you have to work for what you get. Just imagine if you felt entitled to a car, or girlfriend, or anything else that's not downloadable. :P

    Entitlement. Much better word than commitment. Thank you.

  11. I don't get how this is different from having two mics spaced six inches apart

    They are about six inches apart, but when you just listen back to the recording with headphones without the algorithm, you still have the presence of the headphones. The algorithm basically gets rid of the presence of the "speakers" right next to your ear, which is why it is used for hearing aids.

    Cool stuff! I actually felt a tingling sensation at the part with the razor.

    That feeling is insane! It makes me put my hands on the headphones to try and protect my ears. I actually had a friend who had to stop at the razor part because it really got to him. He threw off my headphones and ran out of the room. He had a lot of paranormal things happen when he was younger... might've been cause by that.

  12. Boring... it's just slightly better stereo sound.

    This is BETTER than surround sound as it's exactly how you hear things with your own ears. You can't tell things are behind you or above you with stereo, and there is no harshness with the panning in the headphones. Even with surround sound, you'd need an infinite number of speakers completely surrounding you in order to exactly recreate the way we hear sound.

    hdphx uses the same type of concept.

    You get your aural bearings (sense of where a sound is coming from) from your brain detecting the slight differences in time arrival of a sound wave to each ear. The Cetera algorithm puts the delay in use for things like hearing aids.

    Holy crap, that's cool. I've listened to this 3 times already and can't get over how accurate it is. I really wish more audio was done this way.

    I am very surprised there hasn't been music recorded this way and had the algorithm applied. Granted, a typical band is front of house, but it would still be an amazing experience especially for electronic and organic sounds.

  13. It's it's not that i don't have patience. It's the fact that i need to know this shit for my course by May next year.

    So do you steal your textbooks?

    But seriously if you have a problem, then that's your problem, not mine!

    Yeah! Screw everybody and their problems with piracy and... and... supporting other peoples hard work!

    Alright, I know you haven't stolen anything yet, but you're going about the idea completely wrong. There are SOOOO many free tools out there, (LMMS is free!). You can get enough information from free sources for your course work without having to result in piracy.

  14. I don't necessarily equate "Wanting to take the quicker path" with "I have absolutely no patience GIMME GIMME GIMME"

    I'm glad you mowed lawns; I love saving money too to buy what I want, but you can't spread money everywhere.

    As much as our dads love the "You have to earn what you want" mantra, I think few people turn down something free when offered to them in an easy and accessible manner. Hell, my old man sometimes takes things that people leave in the alleys, like spare lumber, metal, etc. It's idealistic but not necessarily realistic. Again, I don't attach "being allowed to pursue your hobby/interest" the prerequisite of "you have to earn the right to be able to enter this field." I don't, nor do I see it as necessarily a matter of impatience.

    Everything you are saying is invoking that just because you don't have the money, it's okay to steal, and regardless if you know it or not, it mocks peoples hard work. In that, we will forever differ. Aside from people stealing for food and water and necessities. Music software is a luxury no matter how you spin it. You can't spread money everywhere, no, and not everybody's rich, but where and how you spread your money will lead you ultimately to what you need/want without having to result to stealing, if you have patience and drive.

    I don't attach "being allowed" to do anything to... anything. There is no "earning" involved, only honest hard work to get where you want. I quote Henry David Thoreau:

    "I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate himself by conscious endeavor."

    If you think it, you can do it. Everything will fall in place. For this, you have to have patience. It's a law of life.

    For the DnB crowd, I know a break-core/DnB/etc. guy who uses the program ReNoise (which I believe is free; can't remember), and he loves it very much. For those into that type of music, check it out.

    I talked to Zwitra a while a go. He said he paid around $45 for the full version. You can use the trial as long as you want, but you can't export audio.

  15. They are no need for insults. I know rationalizing a conversation is hard over the internet, but at least try.

    "Son, do you really want to make music?"

    "Yes, daddy!"

    "Well, I won't get you what you want for 7 years. If you presevere in your dedication and do not lose your desire to make music these seven years, then your patience will be rewarded, for I'll see that you truly WANTED it enough!"


    So by this conversation, you believe that just because someone really WANTS to do something that they should just take whatever they need to do it without having to be patient about it and save up for it? I really wanted a Nintendo 64 when I was younger, so I mowed lawns for a year until I could save up for it. I didn't steal it. It's called perseverance.

    Again, these arguments aren't exactly the best; the one's you're making, that is. Saying something like "damn kids have no patience" is not really looking at anything from an objective point of view at all, and a little short-sighted.

    When I was using a free program years back, I wasn't so concerned that 'ha ha! My impetuous impatience payed off perfectly!', as much as I was "yes! I finally get to start refining and honing my musical technique!" Some people want to pursue their hobby, and saying something like they're impatient ungrateful bastards is just generalizing and kinda dumb.

    It actually is a simple as "damn kids have no patience". Like I said before, you want something in this world, you have to earn it. It is REAL simple. I never said they were "ungrateful bastards" either, just impatient. Putting words in my mouth doesn't help your case.

    Some people do want to pursue their hobby, and like you, many others, and me have done, they used free/inexpensive things.

    I don't see how saying people who steal music software aren't patient, is dumb either. I know the exact feeling these people have when they come to this site, and it's a very impulsive feeling when you hear this music, and then want to ReMix yourself. You have to just take a breather and a step back and see what you have to do to get what you need and if you really want to do it.

    Or if you think stealing is worth it, then by all means, we all have a choice.

    As far as the topic goes Linux Multimedia Studio is an UNBELIEVABLY wonderful program (not just for Linux) that has close roots to FL Studio. Comes with many sounds and instruments.

  16. That's not exactly the best argument you can make there, Soliarc my friend. Having been on both sides of the fence, I can tell you that people who do that don't do it because they 'aren't committed enough' or they 'don't want to support the company.' No, the truth actually is much less villifying.

    The point I'm trying to make is that if you were committed enough to want to put your music in digital/analog form for the world to hear, using a certain hardware/software product, you would save up your money to pay for it. Maybe it isn't an issue of how committed you are to "music", per se, but how committed you are to want to record it. It IS an issue of how committed you are to music though, if the music you want to make requires software.

    People getting what they want as soon as they want is a product of the "microwave generation", as the virtue of patience is long gone.

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