As for hardest I would have to go with either Dr. Wily's second form in MM7(Super Nintendo) or Emereald Weapon From Final Fantasy 7.
MM7, I just couldnt dodge those stoopid balls of fire and such no matter what I did. And you only do 1 damage no matter what weapon you used and most didnt even effect him.I have the rom of it and all weapons and abilaties and still get owned each time T_T.
But unlike Dr. Wily I beat Emerald Weapon after about 15 Game overs. All i had to do was Equip Cloud with 8 Counter materia. Do you know what 8 X 9999 is? A SHIT LOAD OF DAMAGE THATS WHAT!!! He got owned after a couple of rounds of that. Plus Knights of the Round X 2 didnt hurt either.
As for ugliest....ummm im not to sure. I supose it would be Andross from Star Fox 64. I mean common you have to kill him alot and his brains come out and stuff. He was a fruitloop.
As for easyest it would have to be Ifrit form FF8.A couple of attacks and shiva atacks and he was out like a light.