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Everything posted by carra

  1. The news is also at Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/28/AR2007032800267.html I don't think they usually make April Fools jokes
  2. I thought about April fools, but aparently the news is already at Sega Europe: http://www.sega-europe.com/en/NewsStory/1489.htm The game seems to be for DS and WII BTW, if this is true, Sonic is vere very close to being at Smash Bros
  3. HIGHLY seconded. Maybe the only one who can bring back Sonic? Would be ironic though.
  4. Wrong!! I did write about them on page 16 (yes, that's a while ago). I'll refresh your memory:
  5. Now that I read the Doomsday thing, I realized that DJ Nova's song is mistitled, since it's actually a remix of Final Boss. Oh, and now that I'm talking about this song I'll tell you 2 things Nova: - I prefer it without congas - I like ot overall, but I find the transition from about 1:30 to 2:00 too slow. And that cover looks quite nice.
  6. I somewhat disagree with this track being on the project considering all the other S3-only tracks got dropped, but hey, i'll get over it ^^ I think this project is so good because it's pushing many people to mix Sonic songs and put them together. Now the song is getting done it wouldn't be very clever to put it aside... Anyway Sora, I have to say I liked the previous version best. When I listen the new one, I don't find the same feeling... I think you have overworked it. Doesn't anyone think the same?
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