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Posts posted by IlRX8lI

  1. Catchy comes to mind. It follows pretty much the same guidelines as the original, with a few twists here and there. The intro starting off with the original power-on sound of the game adds a nice touch, leading to one of the best remixes for the game. Hard to describe, download it for a fun song to listen to. It's one that's in my regular listening rotation. Seems simple at first, but definitely good for a fan of the game. 8.5/10

  2. Plain and simple, you can't beat AE. The intro is very interesting to listen to, even a bit haunting given the right situation. A bit "dirty" at times, but also "clean." In other words, you don't listen to this and think 'Aphex.' The single layer around 1:46 does a good job bringing the transition to a certain quietness leading to the piano at 2:00. And the piano work? Superb. It fits surprising well in a remix about QUICKman. At 2:52 I immediately had flashbacks to possibly the toughest part of any NES game, where you'd have to fall down the vertical column quickly or be crushed by the insta-kill cylinder-like things that moved incredibly fast. The sound effect fits well seeing as how soon after it's a veritable roller-coaster ride which sees much more "dirty" treatment (skillful at that) and takes us up and down until 3:50 where things slow. The slowness moves us back to familiar grounds with the "chorus" of the song. Then, in another surprising twist, we're treated to a violin at 4:26 which takes us out. I give this a 9.8/10

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