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Posts posted by Cozark

  1. Well, it certainly sounds better than anything else I've ever done, but it still doesn't have any "oomph" or any sort of power behind it as far as production goes. It's like it's being played on some crappy old radio or something. And all I have as far as production/mastering/whatever goes is FL, so there won't be any post-production happening anywhere else for me.

    So can this be fixed simply by a little EQing? I'm wondering if ther are some other tricks to FL for things like this that I just don't know about yet, because all I really know how to do is lay out some melodies and beats and put some basic FX on them.

  2. Well, I figured it COULD be an FL issue, since everything I do is within the program, so I thought I'd post this here.

    I have to ask though, what does arrangement have to do with making it sound not as hollow? I realize that to some degree arrangement does affect the "fullness" of a song, but I think the biggest problem here has something to do with production probably the free soundfonts I used. I've heard people do better things than that with free sounds though, so I don't want to try to use that as an excuse.

  3. Aright, I've got a few questions for the FL people.

    Firstly, I have trouble with slides. I can't ever seem to use them, especially when it comes to a VSTi (which is like all I use). And another thing probably related to that, you know that little window that pops up when you double click on a note bar in the piano roll? None of the options in that window work for anything outside of drum samples much like the above issue.

    Another thing I'd like to know is how you deal with a huge CPU load. I usually have around 6-10 VSTis and a ton of drums and FX and whatever else I can fit into a song. Everything starts chugging when I get about 3/4 of all of that together. I have a P4 3.2ghz processor and 512MB of RAM.

    And one more thing. Is it possible to get the Slayer 2 to sound clear instead of muddy like it does whenever I use it? I swear, I CANNOT get a crisp sound out of it at all. Also, the Slayer 2 falls victim to the problems in the above paragraphs, if anyone knows how to fix it specifically.

  4. I've listened to a few podcasts before, but I never knew they were called "podcasts." I just thought of them as cool radio shows you could listen to whenever you wanted. I will never look at them the same way again...heh.

    Good show overall. It's nice to see more people trying to promote VG music and remixes in some way. Nice little thing at the end where you spoke of your first time meeting. I found that really entertaining for some reason.

    I'd like to say that I agree that Rayza should sound a little more into the show while he's talking. It would definitely make it more interesting to listen to. Aurora's voice adds a nice balance to the whole thing and makes it sound more....complete...I guess. All the other podcasts I've listened to have had only males doing the talking, so it's cool to hear a female voice (and a good one at that) doing some of the talking.

  5. Hey, I'm looking for a trumpet sort of sound (at least I think it's a trumpet) kind of like the one in the first level music of Mario 64.

    I'm also looking for samples of people sounding like they're being punched/kicked/whatever. Kind of like an "ahh" or "ooh," but it's real quick (like one second). The only examples I can think of are in the songs from the Jet Set Radio games. Hideki Naganuma uses them all the time in his songs.

  6. About the overall volume being too low that I talked about in my last post, I was referring to the FL volume being low, not my speakers. I'm saying when I compare a song I've made to a professional song (or the ones off of this site for that matter), the volume is lower than those songs. The only way I've figured how to make it louder is the Fruity 7 Band EQ, but that takes a ton of tweaking that I'd rather not do if I can help it. I'm just wondering if there's another way to get the volume louder.

  7. I've got a couple of issues that has been bugging me for a while now, the first being a volume problem. Basically, even with all the volume sliders turned all the way up, the volume is still too low. How do you get the volume to be at a decent level?

    The other thing is more of an issue with my "equipment", if you want to call it that. After burning some of my songs onto a CD and listening to them on a good sound system, I noticed a huge problem. A lot of the "bassy" instruments and drums were extremly loud, especially the kick drums. Unfortunately, all I have at my computer are some crappy speakers and headphones that hardly pick up any bass at all, so it all sounds fine through my computer speakers even though it really isn't okay. I'm still kind of new to the whole music/remixing thing, so I don't really know much about proper equipment. What headphones/speakers/soundcards/whatever do you guys recommend?

  8. Whoa, thanks. I didn't know about the difference between effect VSTs and instrument VSTs. I just went and messed around a little with FL and I think I've figured out how it's supposed to work now. I realized that I downloaded a ton of effects off the internet, but only like 2 instruments. Unfortunately, instruments are what I wanted :(

    Oh well, not a big deal. I can do all kinds of stuff with my sounds now that I never knew I could do before.

    And a quick question for anyone who makes remixes/songs, how long does it usually take you? I've been working on this one for like....2 days, and I only have about 20 seconds of music...

  9. Hey, I've got a really newbish question for you guys. I'd just like to apologize beforehand if this has been asked a lot of times already. I searched around this topic and others, but couldn't find the information I was looking for.

    My question is: How do you get VSTs to work in Fruity Loops? I go to channels > add one > more > select the VST, and then it says Error: can't load an effect into a channel and brings up the Fruity Wrapper. What am I doing wrong?

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