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Posts posted by Ichitootah

  1. my bad, thought I had until tonight to vote. Anyway--

    Showroom Dummy's had catchy beats, wobbly synths, and sounded anthemic. Solid work!

    Skoshu's I would have voted for, very intricate and skillfully made. Good enough for OCR imo.

    Jonathan!'s was also great, live guitar and pretty faithful arrangement with some solos and stuff.

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to mix one of my favorite little VGMs :)


    Here are more tracks from SSSV that are worth a listen should you have the time and inclination:

    Far Bear Mountain

    The Battery Farm

    Penguin Playpen

    (which I suspect might be one of the ripoffs Nase mentioned, but if so, from where?)

    to me it doesn't get better than catchy little swing tunes with an old school vg soundset. woohoo

  2. It's good to have you back man! I added you because I was talking with Sadorf about all those excellent songs you submitted to ORC back in the days (Like Castle in the Sand) and how you basically disappeared afterwards XD.

    I'm glad you added me! <3 VGM + Remixes

    Lulu avatar!


    lol, yeah

    The return of Ichitootah. Welcome back!!:-D

    thanks, and congratulations for keeping PRC alive.

  3. ***

    My friend wonders which of these 2 keyboards is better for someone who is primarily a keyboardist but has a light interest in recording and sequencing music. Are the few hundred extra dollars worth it for the Akai MPK88, or does the Keystation 88 Pro basically have all the "Pro" a budget-minded college student could need/want?


    I'm basically posting this for him, without a good working knowledge of either keyboard, so if there's a better third option or any other relevant information, just post it up.

    Thanks in advance for any replies!

  4. Hi everyone! I used to participate in ORC a lot, but not lately.

    I feel bad about bumping that really old ORC thread... then leaving without mixing up a single song. So tonight I make up for all my absentee-ism with a remix of Just64Helpin's Property, which I found to be a really fun source tune. It's quite short, and it may break your ears, but enjoy nonetheless!


    Maybe some other month I'll make a mix that's less of a rush job and more of an epic journey. For now I'm happy I managed one at all. College apps are killing me... killing me!

  5. I made a mix. Too little, too late?

    First time in months I've touched Fruity Loops or my samples. Very rushed...it's 2:00 a.m. PST and I have to get up at 5:45 tomorrow (today) for school. Made the process hellishly frustrating, turned out a not-so-polished finished product. Repetitive. It's not so bad, though the guitar playing is (while I'm better than this, I'm not that good).

    Characteristic excuses aside, I'm sad to see ORC die like this. But I've been gone for a while, so I guess I can't really talk.

    Here's the mix, kind of downbeat, just a little bit jazzy.

    The Swan Palm

    I would be thrilled for any competition. Want to finish your mix, Nuts? For old time's sake? (not actually that long ago, haha)

    Or anyone?

    Or are we done here...

    p.s. If ORC was revived, I would totally mix for it all the time! I'm getting back into computer music! Though I don't think I'll be remixing much video game music anymore.

    p.p.s. sorry to Nutritious, the source tune is kind of buried in there. But, er, you can make a game of finding it! Fun!

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