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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hey. Sorry, but I can't host anymore. New apartment, partially university owned, and they have some of the strangest blocks that I've ever seen set here. While it doesn't kill bittorrent entirely, it suppresses it down to 1, 2 if I'm lucky kbps. So, no host action from this end, at least not 'til I figure out how to get around this.
  2. okae, back from winter break, back on cable and ready to donate bandwidth. hmm, dark side of phobos works for a title, but it just doesn't sound..... 'threatening' enough for doom, y'know. granted, i can't come up with anything better, but still..
  3. i like larsec's suggestion, sounds of hell would be a good name for a doom collection.
  4. Yeah, I can hack February. About that radio intro, I was thinking if you didn't want to do the static and tactical chatter approach, you could always style it as a doom 3 log. I don't really know what you could put in it, but still, it's a thought.
  5. I can help seed the project when it gets done, depending on when it gets done. If it's gonna be after the new year, I can definitely donate bandwidth (last final's tomorrow, going home for xmas break). Not like I use the college cable for anything other than downloading stuff. So yeah, keep up the good work, can't wait til it's release.
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