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Posts posted by Salad

  1. When I first heard about this movie I heard that it was going to be a gritty and more like the original comics. Then I saw a preview and it looked like a cutscene from a budget PS1 game. Seriously, this is supposed to look good? The CG is absolute shit and the movie in general looks cheesy too. Granted, we're talking about TMNT here, but if you go to the theaters to watch this you have no sense whatsoever.

    Exaggerate much?

  2. The only heat I've noticed from my Wii while in standby mode was the heat caused by the sun during the early morning hours, before I moved it to a position where it's less likely to recieve sun light directly.

  3. How do you find your Wii friend code?

    On the Wii menu, hit the message button in the lower right...

    Open your address book... it's the button on the right.

    And there's your Wii code... If there are already entries, you can see your friend code by hitting - and thus going to the front "cover" of the address book.

  4. Just a slightly off-topic question. I have a DSL connectrion. I plan to have a Wii by the time SSBB is released. My question is: Will my DSL connection be fast enough to play SSBB online with no lag? Verizon says it's 786Kbps, but I know it never reaches that speed. But I did watch the Live E3 Feed at 300Kbps with no problems so I'm wondering if SSBB would be okay on my connection.
    786? Don't you mean 768?

    Anyway... 768Kbps translates to 768/8=96.

    If you're able to reach ~96kB/s or somewhere below that, then you're certainly making full use of your connection.

    How well you will be able to play depends on how much bandwidth a regular game of Smash will actually need, where the players you're playing with are located, and how stable your internet connection is.

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