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Posts posted by Vig

  1. I'm a little thrown by the panning. It's very rare that having the bass anywhere but the middle works. Here you have several basses. Some of which are drenched in reverb. The balance between the bass and cellos isn't great, you could bring out the bass. The performance is a bit iffy, but I feel like it might be passable if you take care of the production issues. Subtler panning and better balances. The bass feels thin. bring out the lows, and take out a bit of the lows from the cellos. The problem is there's a lot of range overlap. See what you can do.


  2. Congratulations on your success.

    As for the mix, really, No way. Your instrumentation is nice, good textures and frequency range. But the writing here is soooo simplified. It's like you sacrified arrangement ideas in favor of instrumentation ideas. The melody itself is almost incidental. The track would be just as good with any other melody.

    Don't get me wrong, you're clearly demonstrating some serious creativity as far as synthesis goes, but the writing is just an afterthought.


  3. One of the main things holding this thing back besides the arrangement is the instrumentation. They are really dull and poorly chosen. Aside from that, the arrangement is very straightforward and unengaging. Lots of melodic ideas are presented, but none are expanded. The mix on a whole needs more going on. The four or so parts that are here aren't nuanced or interesting enough to carry the whole piece.


  4. LOOOUD!

    Overcompressed in my opinion. Not just my opinion. I'm pretty sure you can't disagree with me. Go ahead. Try.


    See? You can't do it.

    I think the arrangement is pretty sweet. The instrumentation is good too. Just wish it were a bit more subtle dynamically. The strings in particular are constantly stomping on my fucking head. I think the track would be better with a major dynamic overhaul, but I think it passes the bar regardless.


  5. Oh man, all I can think of is

    Oh you, you beat this game!

    Yeah you, you beat the game!

    This gaaaaame, you sure did beat,

    aaand that's gooood, for some reason.

    This is okay, nothing horribly wrong with it. Plenty of cheese, not a whole lot of substance. The break towards the end is a nice change, but I'm a little bored by that point. It's just too straightforward. There isn't enough going on in the arrangement, instrumentation or production to keep my interest.

    NO (borderline)

  6. I dig the percussion. The instrumentation is great all around in this track. Great texture. A synthetic but colorful feel. I think the percussion was a bit loud at times, but no big deal. I really like how this track is going, but I can't help feeling like the arrangement is a bit underrealized. Instead of having a captivating dynamic curve, I feel like the track starts out as busy and interesting as it gets. I'm waiting for something to happen, but it never really does. I'm really torn on it, because As it is, I think it's a very strong track, but I feel like it could be better.

    YES boderline

  7. I love what you're doing with this. Great idea, and you've got some really good arrangement ideas. The main problems with this mix have to do with the orchestral elements and EQ. The drums really don't punch like they should. Need more 500-1000 Hz in the snare. etc. The strings get really muddy, because they are too often competing with the guitars. I'd cut the low mids out of the guitars, and leave room for the strings in that range. Aside from that, The main problems with the strings are that the samples sometimes don't have a fast enough attack for the part, and second, that there sometimes isn't a lot of harmony in the parts. Lots of octaves and fifths. I think if you fix the EQ, this could be passable, but it would be really nice if you could make the writing a bit smoother too.


  8. Allright I'll do it, don't get all huffy about it.

    First thing I notice is that the reverb on the harp is too long which creates a lot of mud maybe around 350Hz.

    The harshness I'm hearing is a result of the track's low average level, which is often pierced by a harp or flute note that is particularly shrill in the 3-5kHz range. I hate to recommend compression, but it may be the solution, or you could just pull back the harp part. As it is, those mid-high freqeuncies are just a bit piercing.

    My new years resolution was to stop using the "YES (conditional)" vote, so

    NO, Resub.

  9. piano is definitely dry and quiet. Gotta bring it out. Vocals are cool. wasn't expecting that. they sound good. syllables sometimes sound silly/inappropriate, too many "ts" sounds.

    Okay, they get really tiresome really quick. You need some new syllables, and a more creative interpretation of the original. It's pretty much the original with "tsu"s all over the place. Need a bit more color, a little more instrumental variety.


  10. I love the orchestral writing. I think the arrangement is great. Most of my gripes are production related. The drums need to be louder, and the guitar needs more bite, 4kHz and up. I'm not thrilled about the guitar in general, but it's not a total dealbreaker. Right now the strings are out front, and the drums and guitar need more attention.

    Close, please resub.


  11. Hmm...I definitely don't think the track as a whole is skewed towards highs...I'm listening on headphones, so the lows are right next to my eyears. I'm hearing plenty of punch in the guitars. I think what Palp might be hearing is that there's pretty much zero punch in the kick. I'm with larry that the drums are a bit weak. Definitely could help to fill out the kick below 200hz.

    love it, but needs a resub.


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