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Posts posted by Vig

  1. Very exciting performance. It's a bit mechanical at times, but was able to not think about it and it didn't bother me. The sonics are a big boxy around 5-700Hz at times, and a bit boomy around 200Hz at others, but it's not terrible. Definitely on the dry side, but I don't find myself hating it. Perhaps too compressed.

    I'm going to say YES because the arrangement is really well done, and the mixing/samples don't bother me too much. I definitely wouldn't be opposed if you decided to go back and rework the dynamics and EQ.

  2. It's so tough to do a piano remix that isn't gimmicky and somewhat unoriginal. I dig the arrangement here, though some of the transitions were jarring. For the most part I feel this track tells a cohesive story. I'm not thrilled about the sonics; it gets really washy and muddy when you've got too much going on in the left hand. I'm pretty close to the border on this one; I think i'm going to have to go no for now because I'm not so enthusiastic about the arrangement hat I'm willing to overlook the gripes that have been mentioned.


  3. cheesy sounds nonwithstanding, This track is sonically very tight. I don't count the sounds against the mix whatsoever. they are well used and well mixed. I actually really like this cover. But that's the problem. It's a cover.

    I'm going to keep this for my own collection, but there's really nothing changed in the arrangement, which is one of the main things we are looking for at OCR.


  4. The mix is definitely quiet.

    I'm really much more keen on the second half than the first; it's much more dynamic and frenetic. The first half of the song has far too much of the type of thing where you drop out all the rhythmic elements. I don't know why people do this so much. It just kills the momentum of the track. I'm definitely encouraged by some of what's here. please keep working.


  5. Seems like you all have quite a parade going on here. Unfortunately I'm going to have to rain on it.

    First off: the song cuts in. The music starts too early and the first note is cut. Add a half second to the bounce before the first note. This is just sloppy and completely inexcusable.

    Other side thoughts..both the flute and the bells are a bit shrill, and the string part is thin and unnecessary. Why is there a string in a high register playing the tonic in whole notes? If it's for texture you should probably sit it back in the mix a bit, or even consider a pedal tone or ostinato. Create some harmonic texture instead of just playing the tonic, which we really don't need to hear from that part.

    Where's the kick? Please bring it up in the mix.

    So here's the meat of the problem:

    This remix suffers from medlyitis really badly. There is no change in the groove or dynamics, which makes the song feel much much longer than it actually is. But honestly, most of what is going on in this song is different lead instruments taking turns playing different unrelated melodies one at a time. There's absolutely no overall arrangement or cohesive structure. Sometimes the melodies aren't even in the same key as the chords (see 0:55, where the melody of the wily theme switches from the aeolian to dorian mode. The remixer seems to have forgotten to account for this in the harmonic instruments). This simply isn't an arrangement: it's a list of melodies.

    Sorry if I seem to be coming down hard: it's not that this song is all that bad, but it's got some structural issues that definitely should not be slipping by the panel.


  6. Wow I was so ready to vote yes on this one till that lead vocal came in. It may be too dry, but it's also too far forward in the mix. Listen to some metal mixes; the vocal is NEVER right out front. It's always sitting in the mix perhaps even with the guitars. As it is I just started giggling when the lead came in. Fix the lead vocal and it's a sure thing.


  7. The production is holding this track back. The lead flute is mixed way too shrill. For what is essentially a very natural instrumentation, the parts tend to mixed too bright and thin. The strings are also used somewhat unnaturally: you write faster parts for the strings than the articulation allows, creating a very unnatural sound.

    The arrangement is pretty cool, but the transitions are somewhat jarring and lack continuity.


  8. Love the bass; I think it could use an even more aggressive filter envelope on the attack. Really make that shit bite.

    I think the synth riff that comes out front is too forward. A track like this needs to keep that bass right up front in a sense. As it is, the elements aren't blending so well some of the time.

    Man on the whole, you could tighten up the arrangement a bit and have ideas introduced and fade out more seamlessly, but it's a pretty damn good track. My other major advice is to do more playing around with the bass on a sonic level. You occasionally have it do runs and stuff, but to keep interest in this genre, you should do rhythmic stops, stutter edits, and you can't just repeat riffs.

    Close, but


  9. Zircon gets an actual LoL!!~ on the Christopher Cross reference.

    The strings are not convincing at all, to the degree where it's kind of tough to listen to them. The rock elements are much better. I think the snare could have lots more verb. Unfortunately the rock section is pretty straightforward until 2:40. Man again this is so close. So many tough calls. There's a lot of really cool rhythmic and harmonic stuff going on in the last 1/3rd of the track.

    You've got to get the rest of the track poppin' too. Actually, if I were you, i'd speed the track up a little bit and try to bring up the energy level.


  10. Man those cymbals are way out front but rather awkwardly sequenced. The lead guitar is a bit piercing, maybe take out some 2-3kHz.

    What I like least about the composition is the piano. It's mixed really dark but it's too busy and percussive to really be just a layer. I'd make it much brighter.

    This is a close call for me, because there's a ton of cool stuff going on, but I'm going to say make some adjustments and try again.


  11. The mix is a bit harsh, and needs considerably more bottom.

    The vocal could be tighter. The harmonies sound so sloppy because of the pitchy nature of the performances. Hate to be this guy, but a little auto-tune and vocalign never hurt in this situation.

    I really like the energy of the guitars drums and organ, but I feel like the vocal performance is holding it back. God I really wish there were more bottom.

    I'd say this is super close to the line for me, but I really want to hear more bottom and tighter vocal production.


  12. Agree that the timing is way too loose, especially the guitars. I think the snare chosen is really inappropriate for the genre. The snares ring for so damn long. Metal demands a much tighter, snappier snare.

    The vocal performance and mixing is also pretty genre-inappropriate. The performance is way too sedate for a metal track, and it's mixed warm and intimate. It's not very aggressive at all.

    The piano part is also pretty loosey goosey. It could be brighter and airier. Maybe more verb, put it up front, and rewrite the part a bit, let it drop out during the choruses or something.


  13. I'd be very careful about adding low end to the bass. With a slap bass like this, the part is so busy and needs to cut through the mix, and if you add too much bottom you risk first of all making the mix a wash of bottom, and also you risk losing the clarity of the part. In this mix I think you could add a touch of body to the bass, but in a mix like this i think the place to add low end is the kick. Add bottom to the kick. Maybe not so much to the bass.

    YES (cond)

  14. Hmm. I feel like either the formant lead thing is either a bit too loud or those bell countermelodies are too quiet. sounds like the bells are whispering and the lead is shouting.

    The biggest problem with the mix is that there are a ton of parts in the lower registers, leading to too much low-mid information. The tambourine fills up the top end, but it might be good if some of the parts were brought up to a higher voicing.

    These issues are pretty small, the track sounds pretty smooth, but since the arrangement is awfully straightforward, it's not really putting it over the top. I'd like to hear those fixes.


  15. Emunamonster is on the money about the arrangement being too full all the time. He's also right that the kick is too big. Listen to metal. The kick is like getting smacked with a newspaper. You need to sharpen it up. The low end in general is muddy. Also, your lead guitar is dry and small sounding. Add some space!

    Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but a lot of the harmonic changes you make sound kind of arbitrary and don't dictate a solid harmonic progression.


  16. Not hating on the repetitiveness nor the beat. This is chill house. anything too busy or complicated would be inappropriate. As is necessary in a song of this genre, there are lots of changes and ideas that are introduced subtly and over long periods of time. There is a great dynamic progression over the course of the track. Perhaps there's a bit too much downtime in the middle, and while this makes it less danceable, the breaks are still interesting.

    I'd say this is pretty well-executed remix.


  17. Definitely dig the vibe, but I feel like the melodies are the weakest part of the track. The vocals don't sound great, and it seems like much of the time when there's a melody going on, the harmony of the track gets dumbed down. The string writing is too simple to be the center of attention, but too intrusive to be atmospheric.

    I would probably decide to rework this track in more of the direction of an atmospheric mood piece and tone down the strings, but that's not your only option.


  18. "Not a lot of headroom" is pretty much par for the course for this type of music. Balls to the wall. My main criticism is that it makes me want to drill a hole in my skull, but that's probably a desirable characteristic. It's pretty atonal and monochromatic at times, which is more jarring on the occasions when the melody comes in and sounds out of place. I'm struggling to decide whether this style of music can support such an uplifting melody. I find myself liking the more brutal sections more which have nothing to do with the original.

    Ultimately I feel like this ought to be an original.


    nice track though. Brutal.

  19. Dude! the end is still fucked! It cuts off before the delay tail ends. Two options:

    1. Just throw a fade on the end so the file doesn't audibly end in the middle of a note.

    2. Extend the bounce until the delay actually ends and the signal is at zero.

    This is very basic stuff. The track should be silent by the time the file ends.

    Fix it and it's ready to go. Currently it's not.

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