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Posts posted by cfG-21

  1. Everybody who loves this movie has to check out the shitstorm caused by a well known Black, racist movie reviewer who has SMASHED this film in his review. It's one of the few bad reviews you can find in Rottentomatoes. You can't miss it. Hilarious.

    Anyway, I really hope the Blomkampp changes his mind and collaborates with Spielberg and Peter Jackson for that fabled Halo movie now more than ever. He showed he can do the aliens mixing up with humans many times now.

    Heh beat me to it good sir!

  2. I was browsing online until I came across a website where parents review video games for other parents. Curiosity got the best of me and i researched mgs4 in which I found a lady crapping all over mgs4 with words like "this game is terrible. first off it has terrible graphics 2nd it has too much blood 3rd TERRIBLE online" only to leave an e-mail for discussion.

    Now I'm not going to post her e-mail but you can see her post on this page titled "shocking"

    How would you respond to her? I sent something like

    Hi I recently I saw you post and I agree for the most point. This is a very mature game with lots of mature themes. I would not like my 8 year old sister playing a game with so much violence.

    However as for it being terrible and with all due respect in the world :you are an idiot. The metal gear series has some of the most complex, elaborate, and deep story lines in the history of gaming. Not only has it received the best reviews from the most respected game critics in the world it's sales have surpassed 4 million. I'm not going to tell you what to do in your own home but I'm tired of idiots like you telling the gaming generation the "evils" of video games.

    Look lady I'm 26 years old, pre med student, a responsible young adult and I have been playing the series for 20 years. One of the major driving forces behind the series is political intrigue (*gasp* kids do like to think), philosophical debate, ethics, science, and evolution of society. Is there violence yes, war yes, betrayal and sexual themes yes but it's just a form of entertainment.

    Hey here is an idea how about playing the entire game first before you judge it.

  3. The only ones I still regularly use are my Saturn and PS1, and there aren't any decent emulators for the former anyhow. The NES, SNES, Genesis, and Sega CD (and 32X) that I grew up playing are all still working, but I left those at my mother's place when I moved to DC years ago.

    Basically, I didn't bother bringing anything that I could just emulate. Although now that I'm having trouble getting Gens+ to recognize my CD drive in Vista (didn't have that problem in XP), I might end up retrieving my Sega CD or finding a CDX on eBay.

    Also... especially for action games, playing it on the actual console works out much better. The controls always feel a little off on emulators. I can't do any of the tricks I used to do on Super Mario World or Mariokart, for instance.

    A less insane handicap (although perhaps not as fun) is to play the entire game holding down the right button. You can still run/walk and jump, but you can't turn back. I forget how far I can get there before it seems impossible. KF

    i remember back in the day there used to be a group of kids that played the nes d-pad upside down and they held it like a keyboard.

  4. Ok, i know this sounds stupid or might have been talked about but bear with me since the last time i played a super smash bros game was in colombia on the N64. However curiosity got the best of me and when i did research on brawl i realized they had a story mode. Now the fun part of smash bros is the simple beat em up scheme but if they make a spin off series concentrating on more rpg elements they could really go somewhere with that the same way kingdom hearts went.

    What do you think? The idea could fly or maybe it just sounds too weird to work?

  5. Hahah I love Uwe Boll.

    People diss him and he keeps doing what he wants. You know why? Cos he has the opportunity and doesnt give a fuck what people think

    Good on him.

    If someone said you could make alot of money by playin around and having fun, you'd do it too

    This just in Uwe Boll says he's Hideo Kojima is a hack and metal gear is gurbaaach. : )

  6. lol for once i have to give credit to his smart thinking cuz he beat all the gamers to the punch by making a movie based on a video game that he's making. For what it's worth the game got my attention and it looks more fun than the movie. ummm part of me doesn't want to play it be the music got me all pumped even if it looks generic.

    Hey coop for as long as i first joined ocr that werewolf has been terrorizing that smiley. Won't you let him have a breather for once and let him scare the werewolf?

  7. Funny thing, i came across supposed trailers and i said to my self "what the heck? didn't they announce it like 10 years ago?" i'm not a hardcore fan and never kept up with the series but the games are intensely fun. While doing research i found that fans of the games have been misled, teased and tortured for years on the release of the game. It was so long ago that i forgot about it.

    My question is for the fans... do any of you have any expectations of the game or have you given up?

  8. It sounds like the other driver was the one who caused the wreck. LeBouf was drunk, but police are pointing to the other guy. Uhh...

    Part of me can't believe they're making another Transformers, but another part of me is crying because I knew it was going to happen. Why did so many people have to like such a horrible movie?

    Still, that sucks about his hand. What is it with the young, successful teen-oriented actors getting into these really bad accidents? Drake Bell had one a while ago, too. It's like the highway hates these guys. I'm not a fan of their acting, but I wouldn't wish that on them.

    They need a hobby to stay occupied.

  9. Awesome news man. Yeah, I have not seen the older version that every one says sucks, but I gotta tell ya, this looks like a great movie right here. I actually was never a huge fan of the Hulk to begin with, until I purchased Hulk Ultimate Destruction for the PS2. That game kicked f-ing ass, and I was excited to see some of the moves featured in that game being used in the trailer. The steel fists is especially epic. (that's when Hulk rips apart a car and uses the two halves as boxing gloves) That's straight from the game, along with the shockwave smash and some others. Lol, even when he kicks that one military guy in the trailer. (There's a move in the game where you can punt citizens like footballs.) Abomination is the big boss from Ultimate Destruction, as well as in the movie, which, as Blake mentioned, will provide a really sweet final scene. So yeah, I'm really excited to see this and watch my gameplay memories up on the big screen. And to anyone who has not played Ultimate Destruction, rent it or something, cause it's one of the most fun game's I've personally ever played. Who doesn't want to play a free roaming game where you beat shit up? :<

    By the way Blake Perdue your mixes are fantastic! Big fan.

    hmmm i liked both but i do think this one was better.

  10. Rossum was the lead in the film adaptation of Phantom of the Opera and starred opposite Jake Gylenhall in Day After Tomorrow; she's all the hotter in my book because she really CAN sing. Everyone else in Phantom was a stretch for me, but she carried it.

    If you're "into martial arts" or whatever, I don't see how that sort of purism can be applied to a world where people change hair color and destroy entire planets and fight strangely phallic pink aliens... if however you're concerned that they won't respect the source material, that's a whole other story. How can you, really, if you're doing live action? It's a totally different medium, and imo liberties SHOULD be taken to account for this.

    It may in fact suck, BUT I'll be cautiously optimistic and say that, at the very least, the casting is looking solid.

    heh, i feel honored to have mr. pretzel respond in my thread.It will be based on dragon ball. I've only seen the anime so i don't know much about the manga but goku clearly states that he practices kenpo and many of his postures and some movements are kenpo like. When he went back into the past and met mutenroshi's teacher the sensei remarked what type of kenpo goku practices. Though dragon ball is loosely based on journey to the west they used what japanese interpretation of chinese martial arts is like ,ken po (chinese fist).i've even noticed kenpo movments in dbz but i wasn't speaking for other but my personal opinion as a martial artist.

    There are many things in dragon ball related to martial arts that are not noticeable by non martial artists.This leads me to believe that akira did research on such things and used them as a basis for his story...albeit with a lot of exaggeration for story purposes and sometimes poking fun at martial arts (ranma is famous for the latter).

    For example, the enlarging of muscles when concentrating ki/chi/chakra. Mutenroshi was the first to show this. That can be lead to the chinese exercise of chi kung (cultivation of chi). i have heard weird stories of people seeing a chi kung masters specific muscle enlarging abnormally when concentrating their chi to a specific location on their body.

    Shooting of energy: this is an exaggeration of the martial principle of driving a persons chi (in this case will) past your own body into another person to cause damage or heal.

    tao pai pai killing general blue with his tounge:a comical exaggeration of hard ci kung stilyst that can do incredible feats :i.e. poking through bricks with one finger.

    vegeta's first fight with one of the androids: when it seemed that vegeta was beating #18 piccoro mentioned if they looked closely she was moving him with her stance. In chinese martial arts this is called bik ma which means to force/enforce the stance or chasing stance. It is a term used in which you put yourself in an advantageous position forcing the opponent to move out of harms way.

    There are many subtleties in dragon ball that most martial artist will pick up but like i said i was just expressing the opinion for myself.

  11. Just in case you guys missed some of the character pics...



    And... DragonBall was pure cheese from the beginning in it's animated form wasn't it? haha. It had a style of its own, which is silly upon reflection, but I kind of miss it because of nostalgia. I think this movie is going to be ridiculous and over the top stupid (possibly, probably terrible), but... I'd be lying if I told you I didn't want to see what's gonna go down. No matter how crappy this movie is I will show up some time in the first week of its release to see it just because it's a freakin' DragonBall movie.

    Chow Yun Fat clinches it for me. And that guy from Buffy.

    Is anyone actually expecting this to be good?

    the purpose of dragon ball is that it was supposed to be silly at times like the fight between the purple ninja and the stick. The whole series was light hearted. dbz took a more serious turn though.

  12. http://kotaku.com/5008666/first-official-dragonball-movie-promo-image

    This will suck horribly, horribly i say! as martial artist i will be disappointed by lack of loyalty to the original source(the manga and cartoon uses kenpo) and they will try to put flashy martial hollywood esque martial arts. The rule of thumb goes :usually, good martial artists are horrible actors and good actors are horrible martial artists. story wise they will butcher, it Americanize it taking away all original content (whether you are a fan or not)

    Pure cheeze, horrible acting and probably a horrible pot.


  13. I can't wait to see this game. I've read next to nothing minus some of the footage shown for it.

    But I can't shake the feeling that the story is just too far out. Yeah, sounds ridiculous (Robotic tanks walking, an undead vampire, double and triple crosses, a fat bomber who can outskate you, naked dudes running amuk, a hacker with a bizarre love with his mom, psychics, , how far has Metal Gear gone?), but to me it just feels like it's gone further into ridiculous territory, but that's just my opinion, chances are I'll love this one more than MGS:TS and MGS 2:SOL (never played MGS3).

    it was his step mom

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