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Posts posted by Aamean

  1. I'm making a second post because this album is so freaking awesome.

    One of the ways to measure if a remix is good is (if you have played the game of course) if you're listening to the music and you find yourself thinking, "Damn, I really want to play this again!" This album does that for me.

    It's funny, last spring I randomly downloaded Sonic 3 and S&K and played through it a couple times. While playing I noticed two things, how great the music is - especially considering sega genesis' not so great capabilities (as compared to SNES) - and then also found myself asking how anyone preferred Mario over Sonic.

    Then I was like, "Fuck, they need to do a remix project of these two games."

    And now we have Project Chaos. You guys are awesome, thank you.

  2. This album has really outdone itself. Great work by everyone. I have a few favorites, but I really don't think it's fair to single out people because this album is just so awesome overall. There are so many different styles here that even the most picky listener could find at least one track they enjoy.

    Quality isn't outdone by quantity here; these are all great tracks.

    special thanks to the people doing this project, as I have been listening to this all night while I've been writing an essay that's due now in...6... hours. It's kept me sane and relaxed during the one all nighter writing session

  3. Lyrics below, as requested.

    I've had this song for a very long time (Xenogears being one of the first games I started downloading music for) and still love it to this day. Just a beautiful song overall, a must download.

    Small Two of Pieces

    Run through the cold of the night

    As passion burns in your heart

    Ready to fight, a knife held close by your side

    Like a proud wolf alone in the dark

    With eyes that watch the world

    And my name like a shadow on the face of the moon

    Broken mirror, a million shades of light

    The old echo fades away

    But just you and I

    Can find the answer. And then,

    We can run to the end of the world

    We can run to the end of the world

    Cold fire clenched to my heart

    In the blue of night

    Torn by this pain, I paint your name in sound

    And the girl of the dawn

    With eyes of blue, and angel wings

    The songs of the season are her only crown

    Broken mirror, a million shades of light

    The old echo fades away

    But just you and I

    Can find the answer. And then,

    We can run to the end of the world

    We can run to the end of the world

    We met in the mist of morning

    And parted deep in the night

    Broken sword and shield, and tears that never fall

    But run through the heart

    Washed away by the darkest water

    The world is peaceful and still

    Broken mirror, a million shades of light

    The old echo fades away

    But just you and I

    Can find the answer. And then,

    We can run to the end of the world

    We can run to the end of the world

    Run to the end of the world...

  4. I really like this, it seperates the author's originality and the song itself very well. There is certainly enough variation to keep it original and interesting over a long period of listening.

    He uses the main Chrono Trigger theme at crucial points. It kicks in after just enough variation so it's not overdone, but more a welcome site and establishes a strong "OH YEAH" feeling inside of me.

    The ending does seem a bit awkward. From listening over, a more natural ending seems to occur from 2:40 to 3:16, or even 3:17 to 3:45ish. The bells

    just leave me waiting for an encore that doesn't come.

    edit: Forgot to mention, love the title and how it fits with Chrono Trigger.

  5. Another one of my favorites.

    The begining of the song correlates well with the beginin of Starfox, when the craft begins to launch. Using the voices was an excellent idea. I also love how at 1:15 or so the music just jumps out and becomes very fast paced and loud, just like when you launch out on the first part. I really envisioned myself flying the ship around and doing barrel rolls.

    I didn't praticularly enjoy the slowdown at about 2:25 but the piano afterwards was very nice.

    Great remix. one of my favorites as I said, but I do believe I would've enjoyed it more if it had stayed with it's first vision from 1:15-2:26 maintaining the speed and instruments.

  6. This is one of the most original remixes I've heard.

    The begining "hacking" noise with the dial-up modem is great. The little alarm sounds bring back great memories of Goldeneye 64. The sound quality is amazing; I've never heard remixes that sounded so clean. He begins it and wraps it up very nicely though, some remixes seem to just fade while I'm expecting more. Peeples closes it without leaving me feel like there should be more.

    One of my favorites, no doubt.

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