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Posts posted by LinearX

  1. Why does this thread only have 8 replies anyway? This is one of the best Metroid mixes on the site by far, and it's quite old to boot.

    I completely agree. When I heard this, I thought it was one of the newer OCRs I hadn't quite gotten around to adding to my playlist until now. Then I saw it was from 02. After listening to many orchestral versions of Metroid themes, the instruments sound a tad fake, but it isn't a huge distraction. Overall very good.

  2. I personally like the reverb. It's only slightly too heavy. One of my favorite things to do is to re-listen to tracks I've already heard after turning my Audigy's reverb on, but I can't really do that with this one.

    However when my playlist randomly shuffled to this I was pleasantly surprised. One of my favorite melodies from Ultima that I haven't heard in over 10 years. I guess they re-used it in Ultima Online.

  3. According to Prizm, it's Beach of the Void. But both songs have similar melodies going.

    Ah could be, I don't have the CD handy, but the haunting melody of 'Inner Space' really sticks out in my mind over Beach of the Void. It's just somber and spooky, and further is by your side while you're playing the game rather than when you're watching the endless cut scenes.

    I guess this is as good a place to ask as any: When in the HECK are they releasing the Xenosaga Episode II OST? I can't find it anywhere.

    edit: As far as the mix goes, I think I liked the original themes better. They're spooky and slow and better that way. This feels a bit over the top throughout, though it seems skillfully assembled.

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