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Posts posted by Harmony

  1. I'm looking for soundfonts/samples of some ochestral percussion. I don't know what to call it, but you can hear something similar in the Final Fantasy X OST ("17. Aeon Battle" on the 4th disc). It's the loud and epic percussion throughout the song.

    Sorry I couldn't describe it clearly enough (not really musically inclined), so here's a 100kb sample.



    The percussion sounds like Timpani drums and cymbals. Orchestral is not exactly my forte so I can't be too specific but there are some decent timpanis in the Squidfont Orchestral soundfont on Darkesword's soundfont site. Those drums are common enough that you can probably find some good free ones in the percussive or drumkit section of Hammersound also.

  2. All of the good stuff that's already been said is well deserved. Mad guitar skills man but what really took everything is the drum work. Some of that stuff is truly inspired and it sounds like a lot of hard work went into the very fine details. The yell at 2:48 followed by the hard core power chords is absolutely my favorite part of the mix.

    This one has been number one on my playlist since its later WIP stages.

    What else to say. Congrats on creating a classic.

  3. Do you mean belltrees? I might have a free one I could share. I would need to look for it first before I can tell for sure. But unfortunately most of them are indeed fast strokes. You would need to either pitch shift it or timewarp it to get the intended effect you're looking for.

    Yeah, belltrees. Hopefully I wouldn't have to slow it down too much. I just rememebred where I heard a really great one on OCR and coincidentally its GrayLightning's Return of the Pheonix mix. Right at the beginning are some beautiful chimes. A free sample would be great but I'd be willing to pay for one if I could be pointed in a good direction.

  4. Do you mean free or do you have a budget. Most good piano samples are around $200. There's several very good piano soundfonts out there for free.


    I recommend the Clavinova v1 or 2. With proper playing, processing and mastering it can sound amazing. That's if you want a softer more intimate sound.

    If you want a sharper, jazzier/pop sound http://www.naturalstudio.co.uk/ns_piano.html this one's pretty good also.

    These are significant upgrades to what you used on your submission, so...Have fun. :)

    Thanks also GrayLightning. These will definitely come in handy.

    Also, I'm looking for a nice slow bar chimes sound. Not like a single chromatic bell but the kind that percussionists have with their drum kits that sound like wind chimes. The slower the better. I've found some samples but they are really poor quality and I want this sample to be able to stand essentially on its own in the song. Thanks!

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