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    Shrewsbury, UK
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  1. It's a terrible thing when someone with such talent is taken from us, and Reuben and his wonderful music will be dearly missed. My deepest condolences to his family and friends.
  2. awesome, i can't decide if i like this or the official album art (i found it by the way) better.... do u have a higher resolution? I'll get round to making that in the next couple of days. Thanks for the praise though!
  3. Pretty sweet album guys, well done. If anyone wants it, I have some of my unofficial album art here: Cover | Special Disc Cover (Original S/K Logo art made by BLueBeRRyKiWi, used with permission) I can upload the rest if anyone is interested.
  4. The third disc will be in a seperate case, which I'm working on right now. If the project leaders have any info like an 'About the Project' paragraph or something else to go inside, I'd appreciate if I could get that.
  5. Ah. I thought we'd been hacked or something. I'll carry this over in case anyone missed it:
  6. Hurrah! So, er, what happened there?
  7. www.espiox.net/current.html I got rid of the blue glow that was on Knuckles' head, and I've tinkered with the back a little. Which do you think works better, white disc names or red and blue disc names? I also uploaded a non-blurred version of the back at Vilecat's request.
  8. I'll get a less-blurred version up shortly. Also, what info do I need for the booklet? eg. Something about the project, special thanks or something.
  9. Yeah, I didn't think the second one worked too well either, I just wanted to see if anyone else liked it. I'll see what I can do with the front logo. Does anything need to be done to that first back design, or would you say that's ok? EDIT: It suddenly occured to me that three discs wont fit inside a two-disc case properly, so I'm going to work on another second case design.
  10. I have returned from Florida, and I've whipped together a couple of new back designs with the updated tracklisting. Please tell me what you think. www.espiox.net/current.html
  11. What I've put together so far has just been small previews to see what people think first. When I get back and have time to spend on this, I'll put it all together in a higher resolution.
  12. 2-cd case? I may end up creating a two-case option, but I'm making this one with a double case in mind.
  13. I'm going to try that. I realize how much work went into these tracks and I intend to properly credit the mixers. Even if I don't get it onto the back, I'll be including all that kind of info on the insert.
  14. Two new ideas for the back have been uploaded, feedback please. ( http://www.espiox.net/current.html ) As for the track listing..., I'm not sure. There's an awful lot of information to list there and I'm having a hard time making it look good. EDIT: I don't reallyhave time left to make adjustments before I leave in the morning, but please leave feedback in this thread, by PM or by commenting on my blog.
  15. http://www.espiox.net/current.html Yes, it's still very much a work-in-progress, but I'm going away for two weeks tomorrow, so I thought I'd put this up to get some feedback for when I return.
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