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Posts posted by Hoshiakari

  1. It's complete and utter crap. Y? U KNOW! U CAN HEAR IT! BASS! U can't submit a professional remix with something off key, and u can't say he meant 2 do it, because it sounds likes shit. People don't mean to make things that sound like shit.

    Every1 who said it was good is a friend of the guy, or is tone deaf. I assure you, that's a fact.

    And for every1 who liked the rest of the piece, It's pretty much just the original mix. Barely a diff. Only change was THAT SHITTY PAINFUL-TO-HEAR BASS!

    Neoslice - You know, you're quite the hypocrit. You say people don't mean to make things that sound like "shit". Well, if people don't mean to make things sound like shit then why would people make things to look like shit?

    That's the case with your post/review. I find it rather amusing in the least, if not a bit annoying as well. You did nothing but badmouth the song, however, you couldn't even spell things correctly nor spell them out. I find that rather pitiful. It's sad that the culture is falling prey to such things as 'leet' speak and 'net-lingo'.

    Just because you do not agree with the harmonization of the music does not mean it's shit, nor does it mean the people who like it are tone deaf. I take offense to that, as I play the violin and do a great deal of singing. I am NOT tone deaf, actually, I'm quite the opposite. I have a very GOOD ear for music and intonation. You are the one who is tone deaf, as you cannot appreciate nor comprehend different variations on the harmonizations.

    Also, if you are going to flame someone, at least do it in proper english.


    Now that that's off my chest, I would have to say that I enjoyed this remix quite a bit. Yes, the bass is a bit massive and would be better if it was turned down a notch or two, however, one can fix that with his/her own stereo.

    The music was beautifully orchestrated and stuck to the original score very closely. I've heard other remixes that claimed to be a certain song but sounded nothing like the original.

    Seeing that Gerudo Valley was my favorite piece of music in OOT, I am definitely more critical on the remixes of it. This one did not let me down in the least bit.

    Keep up the good work! -- also ignore the flamers who cannot type in proper sentences as well as proper grammar. If they do not have enough brain to be able to make coherent thoughts, they don't have enough of one to tell what is good music and what is bad music. 8)

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