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The Dual Dragons

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Dan & Frank Johansen
  • Location
    Heaven or Hell.. can't choose hmmmmm...
  • Occupation
    Composer / mixer, Game designer


Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

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  1. I avoided Lollipop Chainsaw like the plague, don't want a dumb blonde cheerleader in my game collection lol But I got KiDead and enjoyed it a lot, like you said, the combat is a bit on the simple side, but still satisfying, like getting headshots with subweapon, dodging at perfect times to get insane combos and those counters that lead to stylish air combos etc. fun stuff. I wish I had a jump button though, and the loading times were ridiculous in this game, shouldn't have had to load that long, especially not with the 4 GB install.
  2. Well, they've promised a LOT with Versus XIII, and whenever I look at the list of the stuff they want in the game, I go: Can't be for PS3, no PS3 game is even close to this ambitious in scope with this kind of graphics. So my guess it is will guaranteed go to PS4 because of size.
  3. I only used bandcamp for my first album. So you're saying you would buy it if I put it up on bandcamp?
  4. Well, this is the reason I've never really been much fan of neither Mario nor Zelda games. They have dull concepts and fail to entertain me most of the time. The interesting thing is that, a lot of women out there prefer female characters to act sexy, see how well Bayonetta was received by female gamers? But she also saved the MAN in that game, which was a fresh take on it. Reversed roles. The game NeverDead has a female sidekick that has a lot of guts and can protect herself, the only reason why you protect her a little at times in that game is because you are immortal and can take the hits. But again she is portrayed in a sexy way and cameras love to zoom in on her ''parts''. I think Meryl in Metal Gear Solid 1 and 4 was badass and she was even the leader of her own group in MGS4, but you had to save her a couple of times as well. But let's not forget that Otacon was the whimpiest character in that game. Personally I love how RPG's handle women a lot of the time. Equally strong team members that either help out intellectually or often times tend to be even stronger than male party members, like Pascal in Tales of Graces for example. And Tifa in FF VII even takes Cloud's place during a part in the story while HE needs the help.
  5. Yeah, CDbaby sends it out to most digital stores out there. Takes awhile after they get it up, like 1-2 weeks, which is why I updated because it's a bit slow. But it's really nice not having to worry about getting it to all of the stores manually.
  6. Updated with Amazon and iTunes links.
  7. Glad to see others enjoy it as much as I do! I am trying to beat revengeance mode but woooooo I am struggling, trying to avoid using the fox blade. The sai is growing on me more and more though, I am getting addicted to its stun effect on the bigger enemies. I am also looking forward to the Jetstream Sam DLC!
  8. So after a long time waiting in pain and agony in anticipation of this game, I am glad I've finally got to play and finish it. At first when it was announced I was skeptical because they spoke of it as a spin-off, and that it had nothing to do with the Metal Gear Solid franchise. But as they went on about the game it surfaced that it was canon after all and was more of an after-math kind of game, and this really pumped me up! Now that I've experienced it I gotta say, I'm impressed, it's got one of the best parry systems I've ever experienced in a game. And it really rewards you for mastering it. And what I especially love about it is that just about ANYTHING regardless of enemy size can be blocked. And best of all, finally a action game where you can block everything the bosses do. I felt that the gameplay was stellar in many ways, not quite as good as Devil May Cry / Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden 2 combo wise, but it's right up there with them. A SOLID 4th place. It's got tons of replay value as well which I was surprised by, a lot of unlockables etc. Skins and weapons to get. Did anyone else get the game yet? What are your thoughts?
  9. CDbaby link: http://www.cdbaby.com/danjohansen2 Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BNPZYSY/ref=dm_sp_alb iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cuintha/id610263106?ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Here are three tunes for free so you can get a taste: http://www.thedualdragons.com/Cuintha-free-pack.rar And the awesome artwork was done by the talented Juan Arrabal. http://kokodriliscus.deviantart.com/art/3Moons-357990926 Album description: Cuintha, the epic land containing many mysteries and blessings such as the Raining Cave, the Floating Island of Githrau, the majestic Flying Moon Creature, the free spirited and artistic city of Adventua and many more places that makes the peaceful land both unique and a fantastic place to experience. Many mountains reach all the way up and above the Magic Cloud Sea and the plains are so vast it takes years to travel on foot, the Three Moons shine their reflection on the lakes and oceans across the world. If only other worlds were as free of suffering and pain as Cuintha. Free of the chains of currency and the evils that follow it. It is a unified world of beauty and purity, of peace and tranquility. Why I made this album: I wanted to create cinematic music that would fit for games or fantasy films, but since I wanted the music to be more free of spesific story moments, I went in the direction of painting areas that describe the emotions and magical elements of the places and unique animals. I aimed at creating a peaceful land with positive emotions. So there are no battles or deaths to be experienced throughout the experience. But you are free to imagine whatever story you feel the world could include. I Hope you enjoy the album! -Dan
  10. Hi everyone! This is Frank Johansen from "The Dual Dragons" Website: http://www.thedualdragons.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Dual-Dragons/105826716128760?fref=ts I want to let you all know that I released my second album this year and also tell you about my previous album, so feel free to CHECK EM OUT! My first album released in 2010: A.M.D Dimensional Distortion A progressive Metal story concept album which you can listen to on my youtube channel or buy. YoutubePlaylist: Buy: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/FrankJohansen My 2nd album released in 2012 The Destructor (Digital Only, depending on demand it might change) Metal/sci fi album about destroying the world and the universe. Buy the album (support), listen to it on youtube or download it FREE for ALL!! The link includes the lyrics, music and artwork. The reason why my newest album is FREE is because all I really wanna do is spread awesome music and that ppl have the opportunity to enjoy it YEAH!!! BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE 22 min Track Damnation Pt.2 End Of Time!! Download Link: http://www.thedualdragons.com/Frank%20Johansen's%20Destructor%20Album.rar Buy: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/frankjohansen2 YoutubePlaylist: ENJOY PPL HELLYEAH!!! IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR THEN LIKE MY NEW FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Frank-Johansen/123673187706791 Frank Doomrider Johansen
  11. Hi man, not sure, there has been quite a few times where we are not properly credited to be honest, one time there was a trailer of a project, and everyone was mention except for us.

  12. How come you're not credited on your main ReMixer page for ARMed and DANGerous: Gunning the Metal Knight and Maverick Rising: Sigma Opus?

  13. Thanks man, appreciate it, glad you like it, and ROCK ON!

  14. Hey! Have to say that I've been perusing the projects I've downloaded but each time I hit a track done by you guys, I know it. Love your music, good sirs.

  15. Hi man, just wanted to let you know that the mastering turned out really awesome, he's def worth using, he's cheap and delivers pro results without spending too long time. He nailed my tracks the first time around, didn't have to fix on anything.
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