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Posts posted by FantasioSpirouEtSpip

  1. Among all the video game tracks I heard when I was younger, I think most of them were only average.

    Only a fistful of them were good, and I can still remember them.

    But, there was also a third category.

    It was the very annoying ones. They would always get on my nerves and I would even mute the TV because of them!

    And there was that one track that was particularly annoying, particularly irritating.

    It was the Metropolis Zone theme.

    So, why am I telling you all that?

    That's because, contrary to the original, this track is a killer!

    When I recognized it I thought: "no way, it can't be THAT track"!

    To manage to spot what can be done to turn a bad track into a terrific one is... beyond great!

    One word (please imagine me saying it with my heavy French accent): BRAVO!

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