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Posts posted by Gasdyf_Warefayer

  1. Answer this truthfully: After playing Lemmings for a couple of minutes, who hasn't fallen in love with the game? This remix is a great version of the original, and it would be superb in a remade Lemmings game. I think that the dabombinc. should try and do a huge medly of Lemmings songs. If they all come out as good as this one did, and the transitions are well done, you could have an award-winning remix on your hands! ^_^

  2. Wow... This remix just blew me away...the song is very beautiful, with the beginning luring you into a peaceful state, and then suddenly blasting off into a evil-sounding stage of music. I tried watching it during a thunderstorm, with no lights (The monitor was turned off)on in the house sitting in front of a huge window, and precisely at 1:20, when the music suddenly turns evil, lightning began to stike evry few seconds...it was so awesome...

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