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Posts posted by AeroZ

  1. Yeah.. you caught me with the first 4 bars.

    Sound really good man. Lovely mixing.

    Really enjoyed at 0.58 when that part comes in. Feels so right.

    The break at 1.20 feels fine. Was time for something breaking so to speak.

    Dual guitars at 1.38 - love.

    Can't wait for this to be posted.

    Youre almost there mate!

  2. Short n' Good.

    I didn't notice when the track was ended really.

    Just went on repeat all the way and captured every part in me.

    Been listening on this soundtrack for long period a while ago.

    A really good OST.

    This mix I think is really smooth and breathing.

    Love your work with dynamics.

    Reminds me a little of your "Minotaur Nightmares" which I adore.

    Exotic work.

    Really nice flow.

  3. Yeah, you got me on this one.

    Luuuve the introdrums. Crunchy and about to break. Great stuff.

    Love the play with the melody.

    Love the bas return at 1.53 and the pizz.

    The drag with the melody at 2.35 really got me.

    Anvils are nasty! Grawwwrh!

    Making it 3.37 is totally cool.

    You make such good work with it so you want to listen to it again.

    Great work Zircon.

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