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Posts posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Alot of custom maps are actually being tested rather than openly available on account of the custom maps are just hacks on the source engine utilizing HL2, CS:S and TF2 materials. There is no official SDK specifically out yet for TF2 like HL2/HL2DM/CS:S does...

    Maybe in the next patch it will be easier to map for TF2.

    As for the game itself, it's awesome as it has been said before. Love playing as all classes.

  2. Downloadables are fine. Backward compatibility with old games filling up the sole disc slot? That is just silly.

    I agree that downloadable old titles (even if a fee is involved) would be fair enough to drop the BC from the PS3 if it was cheaper as well as the option of exchanging the hard drives.


    I honestly don't see what's so silly about an old title taking up the only disc slot as I doubt one would be playing a psone game and a PS3 game at the same time.

    Just takes less than a minute ti switch discs...

    Instead of filling up the provided hard drive with old titles why not simply have the option to play legal copies of psone/ps2 titles..?

  3. I think they ought to push the PS3 as a future gaming system

    But it's not, its a multimedia system with the added bonus of playing games that use blue-ray technology.


    Don't get me wrong, I actually like my ps2 and its games just as I enjoy some titles from M$ Corp and Nintendo/Sega etcetera.

    I also look forward to playing titles that will eventually come out for the PS3, yet unlike the time where I wanted to continue playing some NES games while wanting the SNES, there aren't currently anything worth spending the ludicrous amount of cash sony wants for their product.

    What Sony should have done is found a way to have kept the PS3 between the current prices of the 360 & Wii, and developed software/games in advance to be the forerunners of possibly very awesome titles to come.

    In regards to Backwards Compatibility, it very well would have been fine to have left it out of the PS3 had the system had anything incredible enough to want to move on from PS2 tech. As it stands now, it does not and it currently is a depressing system even without comparing to other consoles or to the gaming enthusiast variety of PCs...

  4. Uh...the Zero series ended with 4 and then went on to become the ZX series. If there's anyone speculating that there's a 5th Zero game in the works, they have no clue as to what's going on with the series.

    Yeah considering how the story itself went I thought it was an ending to the zero series; A fitting one actually.

    But yeah I'd love to see a revamped MM series

    as for SF4

    If on the Wii, they better make it so I can use the classic controller as well as the wiimote. The classic controller was perfect console wise...

  5. use a psx emulator and iso copy..?

    Runs wonderfully for me when I lost my old psone mem card and can no longer save on my ps2...

    For regulars though...

    Assuming you're trying to play the PC version, check the compatability and try setting it to windows 95/98/2000 if XP is really giving u trouble...

  6. I'd like to see SF4 on all the consoles rather than keeping it exclusive...


    Now give us a revamped Mega Man, not the .exe bullshit, not zero, MEGA MAN goddammit

    They tried somewhat with MM on the psp, didn't do as well as they'd like...

    The zero series technically ended at 4 with no news of a 5th, yet speculation say a possible 5th, idk...

    I wouldn't mind a total clean up of the original series, (the ports while still enjoyable were just that ports)but updating and making it a more action intensive series...

    Not gonna say the latest graphics are needed as that won't mean much if its still the same game with eye candy coating... Wouldn't hurt though...

    Heck be as difficult as reasonbly possible (personal preference)

    redone artwork/music/style of sprites/models.

    or... MML3

  7. My CPU is the most powerful part of my PC. The only thing lacking is my GPU. If my games are CPU depedent then they would be running really fast, so I doubt thats the case. I don't intend to overclock my CPU. I just want to overclock my GPU, and if that doesn't help then I guess I'm just going to have to deal with the performance level I got now.

    If you want you can try some tweaked/modified drivers like from driverheaven or something as they are designed specifically to squeeze more performance/quality out of gfx cards...

    Plus u already got a beefy vid card, do u really need more power or are u having issues with apps like hl2..?

  8. old-fashioned ring - for random calls

    Clock Tower 3 OST:

    Clock Tower - (for my parents & my woman's parents calling me)

    Afterimage - (for my woman calling me)

    Silent Hill 4: The Room OST

    The Last Mariachi - (For calls from work)

    side note*

    I did have at one point the opening track for Rozen Maiden 2nd season as a ring tone from my girl as a surprise from her. When you're stuck using the bus one day, you're dressed rather formally and that song rings out very clearly, not obnoxiously loud mind ya but still loud enough for me as well as others around you to hear; you're gonna get looks of all varieties...

    Learned to lock my phone from her for now on and changed it to a less attention grabbing tune.

    edit: to those interested in hearing what those tracks sound like, pm me for them, yes even the "surprise" SHE surprised me with if you want...

  9. Alot of applications are cpu dependant than gpu dependant. If anything you probably would have seen some sort of improved quality & performance if you overclock your cpu. The downside though is that it will get hotter so you'll need more than the stock heatsink & thermal paste...

    That said, imo it's not worth possibly wrecking your hardware when you can just get beefier hardware than can run just as powerful but stable...

  10. Who really listens to that Steam guy nowadays? He's just creating one big sales pitch for Valve and reiterating how software engineers say the PS3 is the hardest to program out of the three consoles. As if others didn't say that a few hundred times before. And when he was confronted with the 360-bashing he did before, he just went into a technophile filibuster by going totally off the topic.

    all the more it made me go :)!! and :lol:

    Although the more bullshit I'm hearing and seeing about the PS3 (loss of backwards compatibility especially) the more I'm beginning to believe it's truly a waste of time. Thank goodness some of the games I want that suppose to come out of it will be ported :)!!

  11. http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7422&Itemid=61

    Edge: A while ago you said that you thought Sony should do a 'do-over' with PS3. Do you still think that?

    GN: Absolutely. I think [PS3 is] a waste of everybody’s time. Investing in the Cell, investing in the SPE gives you no long-term benefits. There’s nothing there that you’re going to apply to anything else. You’re not going to gain anything except a hatred of the architecture they’ve created. I don’t think they’re going to make money off their box. I don’t think it’s a good solution.


  12. So yeah I recently decided to get TF2. After getting it installed and updated I tried playing it.

    Low and behold...


    This pops up...

    So yeah I can play ET:QW perfectly fine but when it comes to TF2 this happens..?

    OKAY problem solved...

    For some damn fucking reason Steam had its compatibility set on Windows 2000... wtf..?

    So I unchecked it and now runs perfectly :)!!

    Mods please delete this unless you think this post will help others...

  13. I cant play PC games at all unless I uninstall my Norton A-V, because the bastard sucks all the juice out of my processor.

    Why not try out AVG Anti-virus, barely notice it on my system and that's when I'm either playing anything, watching a movie, or anything basically.

  14. I've always thought that particular track was more of ambiance of the fact of it being the last dungeon...

    Then again there have been remixes for music from Castlevania - 64/Legacy of Darkness which arguably was very ambient...

    So I think some one ought to be able to make a good remix :)!!

  15. I really like the Umbrella Corp. theme.

    Also got a boot screen that initially shows the Umbrella Logo the words Umbrella Corp at the bottom (No more old windows boot up screen yay) with thea red bar sliding across as its booting up as well as yet again Umbrella Corp themed Log On screen.

    Heck I modified the start up theme to play a small song that was part of RE:CVX OST ending/credits track where a woman or young girl sings a song as the programs I want turned on at startup... starts up :)!!

    Alot of these things any one can do, I just happen to go for a semi industrious/classy motif...

  16. Regarding XP themes vs. how Media Center looks - download the free Royale theme:


    I use it on all my XP boxes, and imo they look just fine.

    I actually use stardocks' "Windowblinds" app which does a pretty good job.

    Here's one I used for Halloween a couple of years ago.


    Another dark motif


    I'll make some more example pics later on if there's interest...

    edit - the pic itself does not show the major changes but the hint of the taskbar being different gives a very slight idea... I got to make better examples lol...

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