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Dead Hex

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Posts posted by Dead Hex

  1. yeah deadhex is a prettty hardcore msi fan. wouldn't be suprised if he whipped smth up.

    I busted out the keytar for this, I really hope I can make it sound good. Also, I'll have to have you listen to the song, it's really good. "If" is just on repeat right now, I'm addicted to it.

  2. I started working on one, hopefully I'll be done before the deadline. I think it's next week or something, a day before If comes out. (The new CD is awesome too)

    I don't think a lot of people on OCR like MSI, something about them being gay or something, I don't know. They are my favorite band so that must show that I have no taste in music. (At least, that's what I'm told.)

  3. DotM was the shit and everyone was amazing that was in it. Or something to that effect. I met some great and long lasting friends through that and it was fun. Yes.

    We could write books with all the lulz that happened in that guild. VOLUMES UPON VOLUMES.

    As the second leader of DotM, I approve this message? Josh, you're a fag, but I love you.

  4. Whoops, thanks for the correction! Is Infinite Undiscovery coming out for 360? Haven't heard of it yet... Although "realtime" combat and such is fun in concept on RPGs, sometimes I'd really rather it just stick with turn-based methods.

    Yeah, Infinite Undiscovery is Square-Enix/Tri-Ace's other exclusive 360 RPG. I get what you are saying about the realtime/turnbased stuff though, sometimes I do like just straight up classic turn based combat. Sometimes I like real-time though, like in Fable, or Sudeki. Sudeki also happened to be pretty good, thanks to random pointing at Family Video, I found it.

  5. I should be on Halo 3 a good portion of this week, unfortunately. I hate it when games take over my time, but if its a good game, I can't help it. The Last Remnant seems pretty cool, I also thought that the overall design of the game was a huge pull from FF's style, but to me, that's a very good thing. Always nice to see good RPGs come from other companies besides ones with 'square' in the name. Plus the backstory sounded cool, but that might just be because I liked the Highlander TV show.

    Square is publishing last remnant. I think that Infinite Undiscovery looks much more interesting than Last Remnant though, and the fact that everything is real time is great. I just wonder how they are going to have you control/command the rest of your party in battle.

  6. Either way you'd sacrifice a lot of sound quality, and there's two reasons that immediately gets rid of any reason I'd want a portable CT (obviously though if it were the only option then I'd get it anyway, but):

    1. All the music would be muffled, tinny, and just bad sounding in general, and the music is extremely important to the mood in that game.

    2. The sound for Luminaire would get screwed up! That's one of the best sounds in a video game ever.

    How would the music be muffled? The DS has excellent sound quality. I use it as an MP3 player, and it sounds just perfect. If there was anything I would be worried about with a remake of any game on the DS, sound would not be it.

  7. I just got one. Don't get me wrong, it's a great system. I'm just pissed off that my schools internet network is blocking xbox live, so I can't get on to play with people. Not cool.

    Talk to your school's network admin? If they don't allow it, just kill him/her, and do it yourself. It works everytime, as long as you know how to do it right.

  8. I guess this would be a cooler update if we didn't pretty much already know that this game would have some form of Wi-Fi. Kind of sad about the whole "Can't interact with random people" thing, but meh, I see where they're coming from. Now all I need is a DS version of SSB, and I'll be set. Oh well, bring on new characters! (Come on Kung Fu Guy/Sonic/Bomberman)

  9. Got Sonic Rush Adventure and Drawn to Life the other day, both are great, and I love the "draw your main character" thing from drawn to life. Even if that means the first thing I did was draw a giant penis with legs >.> (It looks hilarious, okay?)

  10. Yeah, Infinite Undiscovery looks really cool, as does Last Remnant. It'll be interesting to see what else Tri-Ace brings, I'm hoping for a Valkryie Profile, but I'm sure that's wishful thinking.

    And hey, I'm not going to be poor for long, it's just a short term thing, so I can become poor again when all these games come out this holiday for the 360, Wii, and... well the PS3 will continue to collect dust, anyways, until next year.

  11. You think you're poor? I can't even sprint the 12 bucks for enough marketplace points to buy the full version of Puzzle fighter.

    I can't even afford to go to kinko's and print off a copy of my Social Security Card so that I can keep the job I was just hired in to. So yes, I think I'm poor.

  12. Oh man, the Ninja Gaiden 2 gameplay videos are out on XBLM. I was a huge fan of the first one for the Xbox, and I loved Black and bought Sigma as well, so my $60 was already down for this game, but this all but confirms my longing for the game.

    In other news, stupid Xbox Live gold ran out, now all I have is Silver. I only played the CoD4 beta for like a week god dammit. Oh well. Stupid being a poor college student.

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