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Posts posted by Petara

  1. Well, as usual, Nintendo's stuff can take a beating.

    I was playing Smash Bros., and the dog has the obsession of looking out every window constantly in the house. She walked by, hit the cord and make the Wii fall over off of my TV stand. The game didn't freeze or anything, and there's nothing wrong with it.

    So then you punched the dog in the head about four times and threw it in a chair... then put her to bed and lied about the dog falling on a barbell?

    You just had to bring that back up, didn't you. It still makes me feel sick on the inside.

  2. A double post, but I felt this was interesting enough - the PS3 plays those PS1/PS2 games so crappily only if you use HDMI it appears: http://www.gametab.com/news/766514/

    Unfortunatley that isn't quite correct, people have had issues using the same component cables they used for their PS2. Using HDMI may just cause more problems with more games than using components.

    I actually read further and saw that they found exactly what was the problem (I was too tired to edit it though, it was 5 am in the morning) - so now all it takes is Sony to acknowledge the problem and put out a firmware update.

    Setting up the HDMI was definitely interesting. For one, I about fell over when I saw how much it was. They say because it's still in its early stages it's going to be expesive, yes-- but 80 bucks for a freakin cord...yeesh. Then, I plug it in and try alternating between my component input and the HDMI until I get a signal during the test phase. That took some effort. I basically had to time it right. Ended up turning the console and my tv off numerous times. After all that, I realize the best resolution I'm gonna get is only 720p. It's a good thing Resistance is a sick game, or I might actually be a little peeved.

  3. Apparently on Monday the store I work at got a PS3 in. No one called about PS3s or even asked in the store about them. It wasn't until Thursday until someone asked and we said "FINALLY." I think it's rather comical.

    I've assumed that's how it's been. Employees never tell you when they're gonna get any in even if they do know when they are. For the most part, if I'm at a store I just look where they would be and don't even bother asking or calling ahead for that matter. Heh...although, I did try to bribe a Target employee to call me the second he knew they got some in. He shot me down though. Of course, I wouldn't have had to gone through any of this had the Sam Goody here gotten their shipment OR notified me at some point that my reservation wouldn't be fulfilled until at least n-n-n-next ye-ye-year. Fuck! Ass!

  4. The load times in Silent HIll usually gave me time to think about whether i should stop playing and turn all the lights in the house on or not. it got to the point where i did sometimes, but that was back in the day. i swear i'm over that kind of stuff now :lol: . seriously

  5. Actually bought a Phillips 32" HDTV 3 weeks ago (hooray davis-bacon wages all summer.) It's been great to play FF12 on it and I am looking forward to goin hdmi-style with a ps3, but sadly, I know not one of the fifty people who owns one in this city.

  6. Yes, no one can tell how it will turn out. Which is why it's kind of silly to say stuff like
    Looks like the PS3 is turning out to be another PSP.

    "So hows that movie player/ROM player you got there for $600?"

    C'mon now Sony. This is not looking good for you at all.

    kinda like saying: "You paid $600 for a freakin playstation?" (or more)

    wait a sec...how is it that much better than the others to cost so much more?

    is it?

    call that a silly question.

    After my reservation fiasco, I am way close to buying a 360 instead. almost like a get a second chance at this whole thing.

    I'll wait a while longer...

  7. There's actually still some out there that didn't sell within the first day, if not the first few minutes??

    Shouldn't be too suprised I suppose. Guess that's what i get for living in Montana...I think the count was less than fifty total here in Great Falls on that day. Of course I had one reserved 5 months eariler at Sam Goody (the only place that was taking reservations at the time mind you.) However, when I went to pick it up, they told me they didn't get any and weren't going to until sometime NEXT YEAR. A little angry? Yes, you could say that.

  8. The poster contest finalists have been put up for voting.


    I don't really think any of them are very good. The last one especially looks too much like a communist propaganda poster. They're all very uncreative, in my opinion.

    I voted for #1 in any case. I might vote for #3 tomorrow. Can't decide which one I like better.

    Disappointing...they really aren't that great. And #5...wtf? Crap imo.

    Might as well hop on the band wagon for #1.

  9. Wow...that was awesome. I just beat SH2 for the first time and, yes, my pants are moist. Definitely my favorite of the series. Still, the most impactful quote goes to Vincent in SH3:

    (Vincent to Heather) "Is that what they look like to you?"... "Just joking! It was a joke." 8O

  10. I haven't played the original Silent Hill, but i've played the third and fourth and i'm playing the second right now. Yeah i'm a moron for playing them out of order, but i still haven't been able to get my hands on a copy of the first one.

    However, I really can't decide whether it would be worthwhile to track down a copy or order it online in the time between now and when the movie comes out, so i'm wondering:

    Would it be better to play the game before or after i see the movie?

  11. Always wanted to write a review for this one (first heard it back in 02), but never got around to joining the forums until very recently. I'm sorta speechless, however, when it comes to this remix. After I first listened to it, all I could say was, "Wow." But now, think I can eek out a bit more of a descriptive word than "Wow."

    Heavenly... Yeah, that about sums it up. Also, I about crapped my pants from the overdose of nostalgia of such a great original piece of music. This remains one of my favs up there with Green Amnesia and Pachelbel's Ganon.

    BTW, I miss AmIEvil.

  12. The first time I heard this, I thought it was crap. The second time, I thought it was OK. The third, it was good. The fourth time however, I realized that this remix is truly great. Very atmospheric and, like djp said, "epic." The reason for the premature sour misjudgement could have been because it was one of the first remixes I heard on this site over 3 years ago. I mean, the first remix I heard was Blind's "Dream of Zeal", a bit hard to measure up to even to this day. Still, this remains one of my favorite CT remixes.

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