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Posts posted by kupernikus

  1. I searched and couldn't find one, and lets face it, its kind of a bad ass tune. Id love to hear a remix of it if possible... (it doesn't even show up under our games tab :-( )

    Edit: By opening, I meant the opening for a game, not the games opening... although its cool too...

  2. I liked FFXII, I liked the large world, it was about time we had a world that wasn't about the size of rhode island... I enjoyed the gambit system because I enjoyed tinkering around seeing if I could create an invincible party that didn't require any management (which ultimately failed, I had a few gambit sets for situations, but that was about it.) And it had a story that wasn't about a single characters redemption (although the theme was still there in a sense)

    That said, FFX-2 is still among my favorites for how the battle system worked. and my all time favorite will likely remain FFVI with IV a close 2nd. (Im a nut for nostalgia I guess)

  3. You guys are lucky,at least you have an option to rent it,in my country (as for most of Europe),there is no possibility to rent a game,it is ether piracy or buy it (most of the time overpriced) :?

    Eh renting is fun, but its different with games then movies... That and now at blockbuster if you have a game to long they just charge you full retail for it... no good.

    How much are games in europe? Its like 60 bucks us for new xbox and ps3 games

  4. Aw, thanks, guys, you saved my report card! I'm getting an A+ instead of a B+. Edit: I just take stats; I don't tell who said what.

    thats probly good, taking a poll that involves, jam stunna, Kupernikus, the coop, and other internet names would probly have taken away from your grade. lol.

  5. I rent when its a game Im not sure I'd buy, like COD4 and bioshock, both of which I ended up buying (not into fps games, so they where iffy for me) And games I know will blow but be fun for a few hours, like viking, N3, and.... thats about it since I rented suikoden back in the day.

  6. Did you... did you actually read the parts that he quoted, either from your post or the article he linked to? He's saying that FFXIII (NOT VS.) will arrive on 360 at the same time as PS3. It will not be "some time behind," as you suggested.

    And I didn't dispute that point any further after reading, he quoted me talking about vs. (or maybe I read it wrong) and attempted to correct that thought with the statement.

    Edit : I just assumed he was talking about vs. My bad, that sentance he quoted also had the sometime off statement.

  7. I am doing a project in class, and I am collecting information and surveying people about their marriages. You don't have to give me extreme details, but please answer the following (to your degree of comfort):

    1. How did you first meet your spouse? She was dating my best friend
    2. What were your ambitions when you were getting to know them? To steal, and marry her (she's a bad ass chicka.
    3. Did you plan to get married? See above
    4. Do you have common interests?Yep
    5. What are your differences? She's a neat freak, Im not. She cooks amazing american and french stuff, Im a little more asian.
    6. what keeps the two of you together? we luffs each other, and the fact we always have fun together.
    7. When you were getting married, were you nervous? nope
    8. What did you sacrifice before getting married? I stopped raiding in wow.
    9. Do you prefer your marriage life over your single life? yep
    10. How much have you changed? Not much, my wife cooks too well though, she made me fat.
    11. How often do you have your "quality time"? before we had our son, daily. Now that he's more and more aware and energetic, its getting hard to squeeze it in more then a few times a week.
    12. Would you ever consider divorcing, or is that a stupid question? Nope.
    13. Extra comments/question/etc.

    So, just answer whatever you want, however you want, to whatever degree you want, even if it's TMI. Have fun!

    10 char.....

  8. I never understand why some things eventually dissapear from our listing here. Why they get removed, or hell, since I dont often listen to submissions/wips I didn't quite understand just how good the stuff thats accepted is...

    The production quality here is astounding. To all remixers, I applaud you. Your friggin awesome, and you give me the nostalgia touchy feely warm fuzzies that I kinda dig...

  9. I honestly dont care about Acheivement points. I play my games for the shear enjoyment of them. I will buy FF13. for the fact I love Final Fantasy. ;]

    I play cuz I love playing, but because I have both systems, I find I tend to steer toward the 360 when its out on both.

    Uh, that doesn't mention versus specifically, it mentions both, but in reference to the press conference where versus wasn't mentioned.

  10. Sooo.... Im thinkin that MGS4 may just remain the only game I own for the PS3.... Its the only purchase I've made since launch... and If FFXIII is as good on the 360 then I'll take my achievements. >.< come on sony, announce something, hell, a GT5 announcement would be nice...

  11. Pixels dying on an LCD screen has nothing to do with hacking. Additionally, they died a few days after I hacked the thing. What irritates me is the fact that I can't return the damn thing now.

    Had my psp since launch, still haven't hacked it. I have 3 dead pixels.

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