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Posts posted by Asaudan

  1. I know this is going to be a controversial post, but I never did approve of selling an album that's pretty much created by cutting and pasting together shit other people made, even if it's in a kind of creative way. Parade rain over.

  2. Right, so it is just an elaborate recording setting that simulates the ear positions of a human listener. The real ability of the human brain to position sound comes from the ability to turn the head and therefore give the two ears a new orientation. When a person hears a sound not before experienced, the brain cannot know whether this sound is truly coming from the front or back; this ability only comes from learning with experience the difference between how the ears interfere with sounds from different directions. Until this familiarity is achieved and primarily even after it is achieved for sounds often heard, positioning is done by first identifying the sound's position in the left-right direction and then turning one's head. It sounds complicated but we do this instinctively.

    edit: typo patrol

  3. This is what I'm wondering. It appears the only input data is sound - that must mean the sound waves are analyzed in some way in order to create different sound waves. I imagine it must analyze the sound sort-of the way your brain does in order to detect positions of sounds, and then reposition those sounds to the positions that your brain thinks they should be in?

    It can't analyze the sound to detect the positions of sounds because this information does not exist in the recording. With a two-mic recording setup you can only tell positions apart in one direction -- the direction of the axis which connects the positions of the two recording microphones as a beeline. Since a sound from above or below the microphones would record the exact same waveform just as long as its position did not change in relation to this axis, how can the algorithm tell the difference between above and below? It can't. This is my contention.

    Even our ears have no way of knowing whether a sound is actually coming from the front or back without another sound coming from the opposite direction to compare it to (as the shape of the ear distorts sound according to direction). If you hear a sudden sound coming from the left, what do you do? You turn your head left so your left and right ear can pinpoint the sound's location in a new direction.

  4. Okay, maybe it's just my lack of comprehension here, so Souliarc, as you know more about this whole thing, explain it so I can understand it:

    The audio is being recorded on two ordinary microphones therefore creating standard two-channel audio.

    The audio is then played back on two ordinary speakers, producing stereo sound.

    At what point do we apply algorithm A and how does it turn normal stereo sound into weird 3D true positioning sound, and how exactly does it do that considering that the microphones that recorded the original sound can not differentiate between different sound positions in relation to any axis except the one that connects the locations of the two microphones?

  5. All I'm hearing is slightly fancier stereo. I didn't get any of this "amazing" up or down changes, or distance, or any of that.

    other words

    You can say how awesome it was all you want, but it doesn't really do anything. Techno-babble and self-induced hype, that's all it seems to be.

    I have to admit that I was unable to distinguish any other directionality but left and right until the narrative basically told me exactly where the sound was coming from. To me having the razor cross from behind my head and over the top sounded exactly alike and I only noticed any difference once the guy explained what he was doing. The only reason I placed the phone behind me is because it wouldn't make sense for it to be ahead of me at a barbershop when there's usually a mirror-wall there. With a bit of imaginative willpower I was able to move every object from behind me to my front.


  6. Legal status is 99.9% of fan made isn't licensed and is illegal


    Nobody. Cares.


    If you want to care, that's cool.



    Like I said, I trust Nintendo won't do anything about this project. I'm not condemning it or this site or saying anyone should be sued. It's just that someone suggested covering someone else's compositions for profit is "fair use", and this is clearly misinformation. That is ALL.

  7. I'm no expert in the law but something tells me that when creating an unauthorized commercial derivative work out of essentially the entire musical soundtrack of a game one wouldn't have much luck pleading "fair use". I put my faith in the difference between what Nintendo can do in theory and what they are compelled to do in reality.

  8. I have a hard time believing humans could possibly compete with that kind of reaction speed and accuracy. The AI could easily stumble in levels that require a creative approach to proceed, which some romhacks have, but those are unlikely to come up since the stages are created by a random level generator.

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