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Juicebox Dragon

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    In first grade. Drinking my juice.

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Most videos are. But your average WoW junkie doesn't know that, so he'll see these numbers, and all of a sudden he'll either make a priest that won't see those numbers in a lifetime, or complain about it in the forums. If he's a Rogue or a Warrior, he'll do the latter.
  2. I don't play WoW anymore - I let my subscription run out soon after patch 1.9 (Pally Talents). I was tired of frustrating PvP and couldn't get into end game raiding, and I just decided not to renew. I've got a friend that still plays it, however, and he showed me this PvP Priest video. I think once this video starts becoming popular, you'll see a lot more priests that attack more than they heal. It's the mentality of WoW players, I think. The Flavour of the Month class, so to speak. P.S.: 3000 damage Smites. P.S.S.: 4000 damage Holy Fire. More liek 1-hit-kill-craft, am i rite?
  3. Yes. What level are you and what area are you in? I can give you some basic strategies, though. - Use your Damage Over Times. Shadow Bolt is nice, but pile on the DoTs as well. - Kill "Beast" type monsters. Most types of this mob won't pull more back to you when you fear them, and if you've taken up skinning, you can skin them and sell their parts in the Auction House. - Put your first five talent points into the talent that reduces the cast time of that one DoT (You'll know what I mean when you see it). - At level 10 you'll get a Voidwalker pet. This will act as your tank and make leveling a million times easier. - When you get to (roughly) level 13 or 14, head to westfall and grind there. It's very wide-open, and you won't have a problem if you need to fear a mob. - Check back with your trainer every two levels, use Soul Drain when monsters are near-dead, and stock up on Soulshards. You can use those to make Health Stones, which act as Healing Potions. That's all I can help you with -- I never got my Warlock past level 14, so I don't know if you will find any of this useful. Good luck, though. Warlocks are severly overpowered once you get Death Coil.
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