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BobbyCorwenExperience's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. could someone explain to me how to use automation (specifically to adjust volume on tracks to create crescendos/decrescendos)
  2. Alright well here's another question thats probably mind-numbingly easy... how do you do crescendos and decrescendos in Fruity Loops?
  3. Alright, Im sure this has probably been asked before (thats a great way to start out a question, huh?) but with 130 pages, it seems impractical to search through them all. What Im asking though, is for someone to explain to me how to take advantage of the slide feature in the piano roll. I mean, I know what a slide is musically, and I've tried experimenting with it, but most of the time I just get these weird slides and I can't exactly get it to do what I want. So could someone explain the basic dynamics of the slide in FL, and how one can make the best use of it?
  4. Does anyone know where I could find a rain and/or storm wav loop or some other format... I havent had much luck myself finding one myself. Thanks
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