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    Playing Halo 2 with my butt

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Alright, thanks for the wall of text Tensei, I'm sure it'll help me alot. I've never heard Navij11's music, but Ellywu2 I'm familiar with. I love his WIP's I've seen in the WIP forum, especially the ones that are made to sound like Pendulum.
  2. Probably in the wrong place, and if it is, I apologize. Anyways, I'm having trouble producing good quality DnB. Mainly because my drums suck and my bass isn't all that bass-y. Looking for some tips on what I could use in FL to my advantage to making my sounds, well, sound better. Also, some links to some good (free) sounds for this genre would be appreciated, if there is any.
  3. If you guys still haven't made the cover for this, maybe I can help with it? If so PM me telling me yes or no. Thanks.
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