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Arias Serathe

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  • Location
    Peoria, Arizona
  • Occupation
    Student, Bum.

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. What a nice thing to come back to after vacation. Farewell, Unmod-chan, and goodnight.
  2. I like how, when he snaps at a small enemy like a rat, he swings it around in his mouth before pitching their corpse to the side. I also like how he finishes off Poes.
  3. yeah but anime girls are kawaii-desu :3
  4. I know, what a careless asshole.
  5. Can you not see that he is bragging about being closer to Japan or something? He receives some of the Japanwaves that Japan broadcasts but the rest of the United States do not; thus he is slightly more Asian than I.
  6. ... k. EDIT: Hey, tcrpg person, could I suggest removing that quote from your sig? I enjoyed it as well, but it's a pretty big spoiler, simply because of its source.
  7. Bean is correct. I fail to see how anybody could actually take that literally. Ignore some of the others (like SilverStar). It does. There are plenty of clues to let you know that this game takes place way after Ocarina of Time (as JackKieser said, 100+ years), as it references the OoT storyline as mythology. You also get glimpses at a few different types of ancient technology, and, through subtle references, you really get enough information on the previous games that they tie together fairly well. Not everything is flat-out explained, though, as that was not necessarily TP's purpose. What? It makes plenty of mythological references to OoT, including the same Temple of Time. It's just that this game takes place way after OoT, so the connections are more subtle. Also, it's not meant to tie into Wind Waker directly. Injin posted a video awhile ago that theorizes on the overall Zelda timeline (released before Twilight Princess was out) that pretty much nails everything dead-on. Oh, and yes to both questions, Megadave.
  8. Edit: A-ha! Found it. Wasn't anywhere I'd expect the entrance to be. I had this same problem... I saw the locked room with 3 treasures, but had no key. But since the boss room was right there I just ignored it. So how do you get into the back courtyard, anyway? Is that the area with the Wind things? I could not figure out how the hell to get that. Easy. Nope, that's not the room they're talking about. I was responding to Bigfoot, not the others.
  9. Edit: A-ha! Found it. Wasn't anywhere I'd expect the entrance to be. I had this same problem... I saw the locked room with 3 treasures, but had no key. But since the boss room was right there I just ignored it. So how do you get into the back courtyard, anyway? Is that the area with the Wind things? I could not figure out how the hell to get that. Easy.
  10. why did you have to go and cheat like that geez cheater Yes, things get really rough in some parts of the Cave of Ordeals. That Magic Armor can truly be a lifesaver at times.
  11. Three words. "C____ o__ O_____". Have fun solvin' that mind-binder.
  12. ... They're invading pre-existing threads now?
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